Sonoff TH316 + THS01 sensor with esphome

Hi, I have a Sonoff TH316 successfully flashed with esphome paired with a THS01 sensor.

I have tried various configurations I found online however I’m unable to find one that matches my setup hence I’m not getting the sensor data back, most resources use the SI7021 or Dallas sensor:

Does anyone have the esp config for the THS01 sensor?

did you try DHT22?

Ah, I suppose I could try wire this sensor up! It’s fairly inexpensive. Do you have the esphome config for me?

It’s this thing, right? DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor module - high precision | BotShop

No I mean that your THS01 is probably DHT22, and DHT has esphome component

No luck unfortunately…

  - platform: dht
    pin: GPIO25
      name: "Living Room Temperature"
      name: "Living Room Humidity"
    update_interval: 60s

I opened up the sensor, this is what it looks like.

I’ve found reference to the same sensor on this page, however it’s on Tasmota, and they talk about a DHT Delay, however I don’t know how to apply that to ESP.

Weird setup for a th sensor. I don’t recognize the actual sensor and there is also mcu? Maybe to mimic some other sensor to be backwards compatible?

try to add:
model: SI7021
in your dht sensor code after pin
SI7021 is not autodetected

No luck unfortunately…

  - platform: dht
    pin: GPIO25
    model: SI7021
      name: "Living Room Temperature"
      name: "Living Room Humidity"
    update_interval: 60s

Not much to do then…

Just got a THR320D with THS01 sensor and got the same thing. I flashed to Tasmota 13.4 (14.0 didn’t work) it comes right up. No one else has gotten this working on ESPHome?!

Do you have some idea what’s the difference of output between this and previous SI7021. They both have MCU onboard, I was expecting same output.

I don’t, but the Tasmota guys figured it out, as it works just fine.

I’ve installed Tasmota, but can’t find the THS01 sensor for configuration. What option did you use to get it working?

Select SI7021 which is sensor in THS01.

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To help anyone else, use the pin configuration found on this page: Sonoff TH Origin 16A Switch Module (THR316) Configuration for Tasmota and use SI7021 on GPIO 25.

Hopefully there will be an EspHome fix soon!

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Hope this device will integrated in ESPHome


It’s definitely not SI7021 in that photo above. Maybe HDC1080 clone.
But that mcu onboard can translate it to behave like previous board with SI7021