Sonoff + Touch Screen?

I have seen the HASwitchPlate topic, but I’m wondering if I could utilize the ESP8266 inside the Sonoff Basic to connect to the Nextion Touch Screen? All it seems to need is 5V, GND, TX, RX, all of which the Sonoff Basic has, however my Google-fu couldn’t uncover anything so I’m thinking its not possible for some reason I am overlooking.

I am not sure, but it seems like a good idea.

Technically it could be possible because the Sonoff won’t have the issues with USB serial interfering with the RX/TX function, but it’d take some hefty search/replace in the code to deal with the goofy hacks in place to make this work on a WeMos. So yup, it could possibly be done but I don’t intend to add it as an option/feature as it would require a major rework of nearly the entire codebase.