Sonoff TRVZB - do not close completely


I have been using several Sonoff TRVZB thermostats for 4 weeks.
I run them with the Blueprint: Advanced Heating Control.

The problem is that the thermostats sometimes do not close the radiators completely when they are turned off or at 5°C. It is not much, but they remain open a little bit.

Then I remove the batteries and recalibrate the thermostats according to the user manual. Then it works fine for a few days, but the problem comes back.

The thermostats are correctly installed, the batteries are new (no rechargeable batteries) and the valves on the radiator can be pressed in normally and move well.
Firmware version is 1.2.1. Is there a newer version?

Do you have these problems too?

What could be a solution?

Maybe it’s a firmware problem?

Can anyone help?

Same problem here, but with totally different hardware: One of my three Fritz 301 shows the same behaviour as your TRVZB, i.e. working perfectly for some days, then it doesn’t close completely, resulting in temperature rising above the setpoint.

Only remedy I found: Let the device recalibrate itself to the valve by manually triggering the “Installation” process.

Rootcause: unknown

I find this really annoying :frowning:

My answer doesn’t help you, but at least you know now that you are not alone with your poblem.

The TRVs we had also did that some times.
Another reason why I stopped using TRVs.

I have 4 Sonoff TRVZB’s.
Until now (februari 12 2025) I don’t have any problems like yours.
Bought and installed them in november last year.
I use rechargeable batteries.
Batteries went from 95% in November to 46% now.
The water pressure is 1.5 bar.
The automation I use is from fully open to fully closed when temperature is reached.
This by setting the offset of the valves.