Sonoff USB Dongle p

I am trying to upgrade coordinator software. Can flash with Zstack 2022 version no problem using Flash Programer 2, but can not flash 2023-5 Version. Have tried on 2 machines with old and new flash programer software and re downloaded and unzipped Zstack hex file.

Initiate access to target: COM4.
Reading file: D:/ Router Flash/CC2652P_launchpad_coordinator_20230507.hex.
Overlapping flash area in page: 0, offset address 0x0000
Reset target … Any suggestions

There is a new method. That firmware version, which works great, but will not upgrade with flash programmer. Other method uses a python script, no need to open up the device and put it on bootloader mode.

A known issue with the TI software.

If you really want to use windows, use ZigStar Multi Tool - ZigStar.

I use GitHub - JelmerT/cc2538-bsl: Python cross-platform script to upload firmware via the serial boot loader onto the CC13xx, CC2538 and CC26xx SoC. from the ha container.

Or use the zigstar flasher addon GitHub - mercenaruss/zigstar_addons: Home Assistant add-ons for Flashing ZigStar Devices


20230507 has issues. You’re better off with 20221226 for now.

I flashed mine via the Python script with the May firmware and until now don’t have any issues I am aware off. Would it make sense to downgrade to 20221226 ?

If its running OK for you’re environment, I’d probably leave it be.

But if you start to have device drops it would be the first thing to look at.

Actually I just had a smoke detector that was in a strange status as it did send to the network but was not reachable from the network. So the current best option is to downgrade to 202212?