Hi All,
Recently been playing with the Sonoff Wifi switches (genius bit of kit once flashed with the custom firmware! Still cant believe how much they squeezed on it)
To my point - i’ve been looking at vehicle presence - and with DD-WRT presence tracking is SUPER EASY!
i’ve been trying to re-use my old smartthings presence sensors (zigbee) with a Raspbee GPIO hat, but to no avail.
So given that you can put header pins on the sonoff to supply 3.3V to flash it (and it shows up on Wifi) i’m assuming it would be possible to make some kind of wifi device that when it sees the wifi will connect, and DD-WRT will see it (allowing me to create a binary_sensor from the presence tracker)?
Any thoughts? NO idea what the power drain will be (also going to have a look on the ITEAD.cc site to see if i cant buy the parts for a small wifi presence dongle :))
You could buy the sonoff for low current, like the 5v or 12v, and then connect directly to the car power grid. Then when the car has power you have en wifi dongle which wil connect to your wifi…
i use my phone for my presence, but was looking for another method.
If i arrive and car arrives then open garage door kind of deal.
I am testing out automatic (which is great for theft detection, and also when the dealership has it for a service and decides to drive to the grocery store lol)
I get tired of my car being parked in hot places and it melts things in my car.
How do I make a sonoff to work wifi from my car to my phone when the temp reaches 85 or over? I need a alert for when this happens sent to my phone. Can you email me the results to [email protected]
No, please don’t ask for private emails on the forum. The forum is here for us all to learn from, and as a repository of solutions/ideas.
I do not think sonoff is the right solution for you, or wifi in general. You are unlikely to be parking near an open access point in your car every time are you?
I think you’d be better to look at a temperature sensor attached to either a gsm modem, and send a network alert or sms alert.