Sonoff ZBDongle-E / Zigbee / Tuya


I have read a lot of articles and I own a raspberry Pi with Home Assistant installed for 2 years but did not find an answer to my question. It is working fine with the Sonoff ZBdongle-E version.I understand that to be able to add Tuya devices, I need to install the Tuya integration (local or cloud) but, do I need to add a Tuya gateway/coordinator ? Or are some Tuya zigbee devices compatible with the Sonoff dongle ?

If yes, which one would you recommend (one wifi and bluetooth) ?

Thank you


If they’re Zigbee devices you shouldn’t need a Tuya gateway or the Tuya integration. Do your research before you buy anything, though - they don’t have the best reputation.


There’s plenty of Tuya devices that support Zigbee. | Zigbee2MQTT

If you connect them via Zigbee you don’t need wifi or bluetooth on the devices.

Yeah, I know this list but I’m using ZHA so not sure they will work. So what I understand is that some Tuya zigbee devices work without Tuya and can be paired in Home Assistant. Then let’s see with what coordinators these devices are compatible hmmm.
Thank you for the answers.

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:+1:Thank you