SONOFF ZBDongle-P set up as router with skyconnect coordinator - router goes offline after awhile

I recently migrated to a skyconnect coordinator, and flashed my Sonoff to be used as a router. Everything worked well, however, the sonoff router goes offline every once in awhile.

From my research - the way to fix this is to configure the device to report periodically to the coordinator (around 4 minutes). I’m not sure if this is related or true or not. It’s never stayed online enough for any device to connect to it (other than coordinator).

Question - any thoughts on why the sonoff dongle P router is going offline, or how I can prevent it? Is there a way I can update a setting in HA to make the router report to coordinator every 4 minutes? Or reflash with a modification to the below script?

FYI I used the below command to flash the Sonoff with router software. I have the ieee part in there to program a secondary ieee address since the skyconnect cloned the primary address — python -p COM3 -evw --ieee-address 00:12:4b:00:01:4d:12:34 --bootloader-sonoff-usb CC1352P2_CC2652P_launchpad_router_20221102.hex

Never heard you could change that. I own 3 of these dongles. One is my coordinator and two are routers. All 3 have been updated with the latest firmware and not having any issues with them dropping offline. I did have an issue with one router but reflashing the firmware resolved that issue. Maybe try that? Also, make sure you restart ZHA or Z2M. I did read on the github page that some people were having issues with the new firmware so if that does work then downgrade to the previous version.

I’ll try reflashing. I wonder if part of the problem might be that there is no device connected to the router by the time it goes offline. Maybe I’ll try to add a device directly to the router, not sure if that’s possible.

Reflashing didn’t help, still goes offline and doesn’t come back unless I press a button and add new device so it’s discovered again.

Hello jcat59.
you say that you flash your sonoff dongle as routeur, but how do you use your sonoff dongle as routeur.
you use it in ZHA ?
i successfully flash my dongle-P as routeur but after i can’t activate it in ZHA

I flashed my ZBDongle-P to be a router as above, except for the IEEE part, and it wouldn’t pair. Tried several times. Even tried re-flashing and, nothing.

I then decided to flash it with the IEEE part included and it paired right away. Thank you @jcat59 for that idea.
