I posted this in r/smarthome but maybe this is a better place. I honestly don’t know what it takes to get a response from Redditors half the time lol. I apologize if this is the wrong place as well.
In my closet I am replacing one of three zigbee wafer leds (same switched circuit) with a non-smart pendant light. I want to keep the whole thing smart with motion sensing and dimming capability.
I tried installing a zbmini (ZBMINI - SONOFF Official) in the ceiling with the pendant light (the wall switch is always on) but it will not stay on. It pairs fine with HA using ZHA, but turns off within a minute and goes back into pairing mode. I can repair, rinse and repeat this process. I’m wondering if that is because there’s no switch wired into the switch terminals or if the switch is bad?
Line and neutral come straight from the switch and are split to the three lights in the ceiling. At the pendant I have wired only the line and neutral into the zbmini without using the two switched terminals (the gray ones).
I had also tried a dimmable switch (FS-05R) I’d gotten from aliexpress wired the same way but it wouldn’t even pair. I guess it’s possible both of these are duds since they both came from aliexpress or perhaps they’re not intended to be used this way.
I’m wondering if anyone else has run into problems with the zbmini. Mostly I’m hoping for recommendations on how to solve my problem of having the 2 zigbee wafer lights and the dumb pendant behave similarly in HA/Alexa. It feels like I’m trying to force a square peg into a round hole with this method, but I was afraid if I put the mini at the switch it would affect the behavior of the zigbee wafer lights?
I appreciate any responses.