Sonoff ZBMINI-L2 (Zigbee version) with Smart Bulb (Zigbee)

I managed to solve it by creating a blueprint.

How it works:

  • Wall Switch Toggled: When you flip the wall switch, the relay momentarily cuts power to the bulb.
  • Automation Reacts:
    • Immediately turns the relay back on to restore power to the bulb.
    • Waits until the bulb reconnects to Home Assistant (usually a few seconds).
    • Toggles the bulb’s state (turns it on if it was off, or off if it was on).
  • Result: You can use the wall switch to toggle the smart bulb on and off, and still control the bulb via the Home Assistant app, without manual wiring changes or special switch hardware.

Here is the blueprint, you can create an automation for each room now by simply selecting the wall switch and smart bulb that are connected.

  name: Smart Bulb Control with Non-Decoupled Switch
  description: Control a smart bulb with a wall switch that can't be decoupled
  domain: automation
      name: Wall Switch Relay
          domain: switch
      name: Smart Bulb
          domain: light
  wall_switch_relay: !input wall_switch_relay
  smart_bulb: !input smart_bulb
  - platform: state
    entity_id: !input wall_switch_relay
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: state
            entity_id: !input wall_switch_relay
            state: "off"
          - service: switch.turn_on
              entity_id: !input wall_switch_relay
          - delay: "00:00:01"
          - service: light.toggle
              entity_id: !input smart_bulb

I’m trying your blueprint with a sonoff_zbminil2 on light switch (on/off) and a hue blub. I’m getting an error "Message malformed: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘blueprint’] when saving automation.

Did you find a solution for this?
I ground down the Port as mentioned by Tronix.

It works fine if youre quick, though when my smart bulb is off it seems the SONOFF isnt getting enough juice to operate?
When i turn my smart bulb back on, SONOFF reboots and is available again.

Did you experience something similar?

edit: or maybe i messed up something, but the behavior is strange nonetheless…