Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 Dongle missing "action" status of Aqara E1 switch


So yesterday i swapped my conbee2 with a (hopefully better) sonoff zigbee 3.0 dongle. The famous one you get on amazon.

I am using Zigbee2Mqqt and an Aqara E1 Switch (Single Rocker, fully wireless). With the conbee2 I perfectly saw the “click” as an action, but with the new Sonoff dongle its missing completely. I also cant use it in any automations etc.

Here the picture where its missing all the stats except the link quality:

Does anybode have the same problems? I tried turning on legay sensors etc. bnut nothing helps. Logs say nothing, initialization of z2m had no problems either.


Did you find anything on this
I have the same issue with a number of aqara devices since the z2m update :frowning:

Nope. I thought about maybe switching to the P-Dongle instead of the E-Dongle or maybe try flashing older firmware.
You said you have the problems since the z2m update? Was it working before the update with the Sonoff E-Dongle?

I have Sonoff Dongle E with ember flash, and Aqara E1 switch actions worked perfectly before update to v2 of z2m.

You still have an option to enable deprecated feature to continue using acction sensors. Or you can have a look at my blueprint, wich works with the new approach of device triggers