I’m using HA in Raspberry Pi 3B+ which is connected to my router on cable.
I just bought Sonoff ZigBee Bridge which is produced by Itead I guess. It’s connected to my network over wifi.
I also purchased Sonoff Motion Sensor (SNZB-03)
I paired sensors over eWelink app and after I refresh the sync on eWelink Smart Home in HA, I got all the sensors on HA.
I created a basic automation which trigger lights when the motion sensor got the motion.
And the problem is started here because when the motion sensor got the motion, it doesn’t trigger HA. If I go to eWelink Smart Home section in HA and click the sync icon on top right corner, I’m getting the latest states of motion sensors but if I don’t click sync again, those states are staying on the last position that I click the sync before.
I read some topics here and also on reddit which some of users are updated firmware to Tasmota to use it with ZBH (ZihBee Home integration) but hence I’m a newbie on HA I couldn’t be sure that I have to do it for resolving this issue.
Is there a way to resolve this lag without firmware change?
hence it doesn’t resolve my issue. I’m not sure that motion sensor comes from this integration or official eWeLink integration because both of them are installed in HA.
How can I detect that the entity is coming from official integration or from this custom integration?