Sonoff Zigbee in Windows 10 VM failure

Trying to Integrate a Sonoff Zigbee-P 3.0 USB dongle Plus.
I made sure the drivers for the COM ports are up-to-date, Windows recognizes the dongle when plugged in. Port parameters are matched up correctly however I get get “failed to connect” The correct radio and com ports are selected in HA when using ZHA.
No configuration works. Any help would be appreciated before I throw in the towel on this.

OK, got it working after 2 days of head slamming.
The VM environment for this requires Passthrough of the serial port in the VirtualBox config.
Shut down everything except VirtualBox.
Download the VB extensions and then have a look at the serial config.
1- Selected Host Device, gave it a name, COM3.
2- I did load the UART, CP210x, for the USB port, not sure if this is needed.
Booted up the system and low and behold HA discovered the Zigbee device,.
As far as I can tell there is no need to load the serial driver.
I hope this helps someone else.