Hi folks. I’ve been living every version of pain/solution/avenue in thread so far, and have final made some progress (getting a tradfri 1766 to control stuff in HA, and getting a fyrtyr blind to move via HA also.
Rpi 4 w/ POE, SSD on USB plugged to rpi, Sonoff Usb 3.0 plugged direct to rPI, 2x tradfri 1766.
As with many others, no joy even when really close to dongle’s antenna. I tried:
- fresh batteries
- flashing Sonoff to latest firmware (I’ve bought myself another PITA with that: need to generate a new key)
- lots of multiply-clicking the pairing/factory reset button on remotes
- lots and lots of attempts
- moving to z2m from zha (and back once or twice)
and still not a single pairing.
So I am completely stumped when I realise there is one thing I hadn’t tried yet: put the dongle on a USB extension lead away from rpi and other 2.4Ghz interference.
Extension allowed me to put dongle on a flat surface and the remote being paired, with fresh battery, literally sitting on the antenna.
Bingo. paired first try. second remote and one of 2 blinds also ‘just worked’ in pairing (in both ZHA and Z2M, fwiw).
Then got blueprint for 1766 devices and got controlling some lights in a few minutes.
This is all in last day, so idea how well it will all ‘stick’…
So there you have it:
if you’re seeing this IKEA/Sonoff pairing issues, get the dongle away from the rpi!!
Lastly, re: battery drain: I don’t have much experience here, but there appears to be wierdess in how the battery level is reported/computed. Starting with fresh batteries in my remotes, I had 100% at very first pairing, but this fell very soon (a few minutes) to 60 and 74% on the devices. Will track this…
Good luck to any who follow…