Sonoff zigbee USB dongle Plus V2 cannot be configure it

Hello guys!

I have a small issue with sonoff zigbee 3.0 usb dongle plus v2: even if it’s working, on every restart it is found again and HA is asking to configure it, but if i’m trying that, it fails with the “unknown error”.
I repeat, the device is working fine with zigbee2mqtt, but it is a bit annoying to ask to configure it on each start.

Anyone had this issue?


That’s for ZHA, not Zigbee2MQTT, you’re trying to break your system - Ignore it

@Tinkerer so there isn’t any fix? I can leave it like this, but i thought i’m doing something wrong.

Thanks for the help!

If you are already using Zigbee2MQTT you have no reason to use ZHA, just remove it.

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Well, use the Ignore option so it doesn’t sit there bugging you

Oh, there is a confusion somewhere. I don’t use both, i use only zigbee2mqtt. Never used ZHA.
I set to ignore it. Thanks for the help.