SonoffLAN Valve to ON, status directly OFF

Hi there,

I’m new to Zigbee and using a Sonoff ZB Bridge-P with a Sonoff SWV (Smart Water Valve). I’ve set up the SonoffLAN integration via HACS, connected through the ‘AUTO’ method. LAN connection isn’t working, but the valve appears as a device in Home Assistant after adding it through the eWeLink app and refreshing HA.

The problem:

  • When I turn the valve ON, the status in HA immediately switches to OFF, but the valve physically turns ON.
  • Turning the valve ON again, the status in HA stays ON.
  • Turning the valve OFF works correctly - both the status and the physical valve turn OFF.

Through the eWeLink app, it seems to be working fine.

Any suggestions on how to resolve this status mismatch?
Not sure if I should flash the bridge with Tasmato or so?

Thanks in advance for any assistance!