I want to update my firmware on this device but not sure if doing so loses my zigbee network configuration? I use ZHA and can see there is an option to ‘backup’ the configuration but none for restore (just migrate) so not sure how I would restore it if the firmware update does wipe it.
I’ve just upgraded the firmware on mine and it retained everything.
Edit: I’m not sure if this makes a difference as things are either retained or they are not, but I use Z2M in my stick,
What method did you use to update, I cant get it to work?
I also use z2m. I used this script:
Turn off z2m. Update the firmware file in the script (if desired). Run the file in homeassistant terminal. May need to run: pip3 install pyserial intelhex
if memory serves
Be careful, load the wrong firmware and you are out of luck.
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Not only am I Z2M, but I am also on a Mac and followed these instructions.
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Worked just fine after firmware update, thanks for confirming