Sononff Basic (confgured as pulse) toggles every hour with not trigger defined

Dear all.

I am very new to Home Assistant.

I defined a sonoff basic in Pulse mode to open a gate.
I defined a pulse of 1 second (ON-OFF).

The switch works fine but the gate get opened every hour.
For example

If I reset the Raspberry the “minutes” of the self triggering changes.
For example

I am not able to see any correlation between the reset time and the self triggering time.

I disabled the timer in the sonoff configuration.
I do not have any timer in my MQTT system
I do not have script or automation.

If I open the HA web page at that specific time I can see the switch operated by this ghost timer.
I.e. I can see the switch become ON and then OFF on the web page.

Any idea about that?
thanks a lot

if indeed you have no scripts of automations then it’s not HA doing it.
You can also check if you have anything in your crontab that runs at startup / every hour that might kick thi soff
Which MQTT bridge do you use? Might be worth running a tool like MQQT.fx to check if a message is posted that might trigger the action.
Maybe also check your wifi connection, if you’ve set your MQTT topic/message with the retain flag, whenever there’s a reconnection it’s possible the on command is resent.
Last but not least, if you find nothing above, check the code /config/options that runs on your sonoff.

Thanks for the reply.

I am using mosquito.

I will check what you suggested and I will add the info to the post

I checked crontab and it is empty for all users.
I do not have the retain flag entry in my config.
So it should take the default value which is false.

At this point I need to check in the sonoff firmware.
Even if, the fact that I can see the “ON-OFF” cycle on the web interface, it make me think that the command is coming from Home Assistant instead.

What do you think about?

On the basis that you said you have no script and no automation, HA will not send any command…
One way to check is to disconnect your sonoff and HA only keep mosquitto running
Then use something like MQTT.fx to see if commands are issued…
Then add a device (HA or sonoff) to see if commands are issued.
You’ll end up with the culprit…