Sonos Announce and Google Cloud

I’ve been experimenting quite a lot with this and I am slowly coming to terms with its ‘failings’ (which are unfortunate given how big the improvements are) but I still have one thing I’m not clear about.

My tts integration is configured like this:

  - platform: google_cloud
    key_file: google_cloud_tts_key.json
    service_name: google_cloud_neural2
    language: en-GB
    gender: female
    voice: en-GB-Neural2-A
    speed: 0.9
    text_type: ssml

  - platform: google_cloud
    key_file: google_cloud_tts_key.json
    service_name: google_cloud_wavenet
    language: en-GB
    gender: female
    voice: en-GB-Wavenet-C
    speed: 0.9
    text_type: ssml

(I have two tts services set up for google_cloud because I am trying out the different voices but I don’t think that should make a difference?)

However, I get an error if I use one of the Google Cloud services.


- service: media_player.play_media
    entity_id: media_player.sonos1
    media_content_id: media-source://tts/google_cloud_wavenet?message="I am very loud"&cache=true
    media_content_type: music
    announce: true

Gives this:

websocket_api script: Error executing script. Error for call_service at pos 1: Provider google_cloud_wavenet not found

But this works fine:

- service: tts.google_cloud_wavenet_say
    entity_id: media_player.sonos1
    message: test message

I’m rather sure there is no need for the “service_name: X”, the voice variable has that in already - I’d try removing that.

Also, for debugging remove one of the platform blocks. “I don’t think that should make a difference?)” is a big leap of faith :slight_smile: