Sonos ARC sonos.set_option, Night Sound and Speech Enhancement

I’m trying to get a hold of Sonos settings for Night Sound and speech enhancement. Others seem to be able to find them, e.g. with {{ state_attr('media_player.SonosArc', 'night_sound') }}

I’m on HA 2021.12.5. It doesn’t seem to have the sonos.set_option service at all - and the night_sound / speech_enhance attributes doesn’t seem to be available at all. Any takes?
Running Sonos S2.

I would like to automate enabling / disabling these attributes depending on the time of day…

Thanks in advance

they are no longer attributes. They are now entities unto themselves:

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Thanks a bunch! Just what I needed.

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And now I find out that switch.sonos_[device_name]_speech_enhancement works fine, but switch.sonos_[device_name]_night_sound doesn’t work - seems to be switching back to it’s starting point when toggled. And it isn’t even updated when the state is changed in the Sonos app…
Any takes on this?

Sorry, I accidentally broke state reporting for night mode switches in 2021.12.6. Will be fixed in 2021.12.7 which should be out later today.


Thanks a bunch!
Seems to work :heart:

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