Sonos: Catching current state while some speakers are offline

I have three of my four Sonos speakers behind rf controlled power outlets. It seems like when those speakers are offline, HA doesn’t catch the correct state of the last one.

I.e when I start playing music on the alway on speaker, I’d like an automation to be triggered, that powers on the other speakes. But since HA doesn’t get the correct state this usually never happens. Is there something I can do about this?


PS: Currently I’m running 0.80.0 on

I’ve got the same challenge - basically you would need to turn on all of your SONOS speakers using e.g. some automation, then restart HA as this would initaite a (re-) Discover and then your SONOS speaker would be in HA and you can automate…

I have e.g. made some scenes/automation which groups all speakers, set the volume and then starts to play my favorite Radio or Playlist… but these automations are more or less useless if HA haven’t discovered all of my speakers …

I have tried to see if it was possible to initiate a HA Discover, same as when HA restarts, but I haven’t found any service to trigger…

So would be listing in on your thread …

If the speakers are powered off during startup of HA there won’t be discovered any media_player entity - that’s correct. But I don’t see that as a problem.

When I power off the speaker after being discovered during startup the entities switch to state ‘unavailable’, but still remain in the config. When I power all of the speakers back on, each state is reported correctly in general. But it seems to be kind of a problem, if some speakers are not available.