Sonos-http-api calls for automating door open alerts

Has anyone tried to use the sonos-http-api with Home Assistant to have their sonos speakers use TTS?

I switched to this method when the Sonos API TTS broke earlier in the year. So, I have a Node.JS server running on RaspberryPi, running sonos-http-api and Home Assistant. To control speaker groups and volume, I’m using presets (all.json, all_night.json, home.json, home_night.json). So, if a door is to open and you want notification on all speakers you’d call http://IP_SERVER/saypreset/home/front door is open

My question is two part.

  1. How do you actually do the webcall from Home Assistant?

  2. How can I grep the device name (front door) from the front door open event in an automation and look at devices like sun (day / night) and broadcast switches (home / all) to build the url?

Doing this in WebCore took me a few weeks to iron out the bugs but essentially, it’s more of a stepwise development where you can build up a url variable in the automation steps. I do not see how to do that in Home Assistant.