Hi all,
I’m running HA on my Raspberry Pi and have a Sonos Arc that I want to connect.
It connected all fine via the Sonos Integration in the UI when my Wifi was on the router directly, until I installed my Mesh network (TP-Link Deco S4).
The Mesh network created a new Wifi network and after I connected the Sonos to this network, the Sonos integration is created in the UI, but no devices are added.
I’m getting the following error messages when turning the logging on:
2021-08-17 10:25:05 DEBUG (Sonos-Discovery) [pysonos.discovery] Sending discovery packets on
2021-08-17 10:25:05 DEBUG (Sonos-Discovery) [pysonos.discovery] Sending discovery packets on
2021-08-17 10:25:05 DEBUG (Sonos-Discovery) [pysonos.discovery] Sending discovery packets on
2021-08-17 10:25:05 DEBUG (Sonos-Discovery) [pysonos.discovery] Received discovery response from ('', 38069): "b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nCACHE-CONTROL: max-age = 1800\r\nEXT:\r\nLOCATION:\r\nSERVER: Linux UPnP/1.0 Sonos/64.3-19080 (ZPS19)\r\nST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:ZonePlayer:1\r\nUSN: uuid:RINCON_F0F6C176F3E401400::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:ZonePlayer:1\r\nX-RINCON-HOUSEHOLD: Sonos_Qa6jPpM45xpPIe4Mf2PVvhCM7h\r\nX-RINCON-BOOTSEQ: 3\r\nBOOTID.UPNP.ORG: 3\r\nX-RINCON-WIFIMODE: 1\r\nX-RINCON-VARIANT: 2\r\nHOUSEHOLD.SMARTSPEAKER.AUDIO: Sonos_Qa6jPpM45xpPIe4Mf2PVvhCM7h.OJxkfebk4WthIz6BABqm\r\n\r\n'"
2021-08-17 10:25:15 DEBUG (Sonos-Discovery) [pysonos.discovery] Error handling discovery response, ex=HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=1400): Max retries exceeded with url: /xml/ZoneGroupTopology1.xml (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f6cc70be0>, 'Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=10)'))
The last line shows the error, where it tried to connect to When I put that IP in my browser, it goes to the TP-Link Admin page, so it feels like it can’t get through here.
The Sonos app works perfectly fine on the Wifi created by the TP-Link devices.
I searched on the forums, but can’t find anyone with this exact error message and/or a solution I know how to try.
Can anyone help out?
Thanks in advance!