Sonos is unavailable

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone is having any problems with their Sonos integration. Since yesterday, my Sonos player is now showing “unavailable” in Home Assistant.

My Sonos speaker works and works if I use the Sonos app.

I have tried reinstalling the integration, uninstalling/reinstalling Sonos App, reconnecting my Sonos speaker etc. and it is still showing as “unavailable”.

Any further ideas?


No problems over here. I don’t know about your LAN setup, but if you have your speakers pointed out by their IPs in configuration.yaml, you might want to check the IP addresses of your speakers.

If HA is auto discovering, and HA is in a different VLAN, you might (still) want to add them to your config yaml, even though HA says it’s not needed.

its now working! I had to refresh my HA… zzzz

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I really had to search the Internet to find this and simply reboot my Raspberry Pi. :smile: