SONOS - Power ON/OFF Function


I have my SONOS Speakers connectet to PowerSockets, so i am able to power them off.
Is it possible to add media_player.turn_off / on / toogle to the Sonos integration to have the Power Button available and then switch the relays on and off?

Kind Regard

I guess this could be done with a universal Mediaplayer, that inherits all of your sonos media player and additionally you can then map the turn_on/off to your switch.

An old thread, but a number of people seem to have looked at it…

I think the real issue is that Sonos speakers don’t have a power on/off function - they’re permanently on standby (bad news nowadays). I use universal media player with smart sockets as you suggest, but it doesn’t seem to be possible to incorporate the on/off switch into the media player card - you have to have separate switches on the dashboard.

My Player:1 speakers take about 30 seconds to appear on the network after powering on, which complicates matters even further.

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