Sonos Source

Hello, I am not familiar with Sonos and Homeassistant together. I am having some trouble with sonos. It occurs when I play a playlist in Sonos. Does this mean that the source that can be called can only be single songs? Seems weird

    > 17-01-07 22:58:46 UPnP Error 714 received: Illegal MIME-Type from
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Users\alvar\AppData\Roaming\.homeassistant\deps\soco\", line 408, in send_command
>     self.handle_upnp_error(response.text)
>   File "C:\Users\alvar\AppData\Roaming\.homeassistant\deps\soco\", line 469, in handle_upnp_error
>     error_xml=xml_error
> soco.exceptions.SoCoUPnPException: UPnP Error 714 received: Illegal MIME-Type from
> 17-01-07 22:59:44 homeassistant.core: Error doing job: Future exception was never retrieved
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Users\alvar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\lib\concurrent\futures\", line 55, in run
>     result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
>   File "C:\Users\alvar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\lib\site-packages\homeassistant\", line 1054, in execute_service
>     service_handler.func(service_call)
>   File "C:\Users\alvar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\lib\site-packages\homeassistant\components\media_player\", line 381, in select_source_service
>     player.select_source(input_source)
>   File "C:\Users\alvar\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\lib\site-packages\homeassistant\components\media_player\", line 838, in select_source
>     self._player.play_uri(src['uri'], src['meta'], src['title'])
>   File "C:\Users\alvar\AppData\Roaming\.homeassistant\deps\soco\", line 104, in inner_function
>     return function(self, *args, **kwargs)
>   File "C:\Users\alvar\AppData\Roaming\.homeassistant\deps\soco\", line 483, in play_uri
>     ('CurrentURIMetaData', meta)
>   File "C:\Users\alvar\AppData\Roaming\.homeassistant\deps\soco\", line 181, in _dispatcher
>     return self.send_command(action, *args, **kwargs)
>   File "C:\Users\alvar\AppData\Roaming\.homeassistant\deps\soco\", line 408, in send_command
>     self.handle_upnp_error(response.text)
>   File "C:\Users\alvar\AppData\Roaming\.homeassistant\deps\soco\", line 469, in handle_upnp_error
>     error_xml=xml_error
> soco.exceptions.SoCoUPnPException: UPnP Error 714 received: Illegal MIME-Type from

Any help?
Thank you!

I have exactly the same issue.


Same issue. Favorites that are links to services play fine, but if a favorite is a Sonos Playlist, this happens.

In the same boat. Trying to play a spotify playlist via a homeassistant service call to sonos speaker.

I’m getting the same thing, is there any known workarounds to play Spotify playlists on Sonos?

I got the wink pro and it works flawlessly with HA and Sonos.

I get home and the temp changes, lights on, and SONOS PLAYS!! :slight_smile: