Here’s my updated Sonos TTS script that is working very well for me. You can find more details, including others scripts using the TTS script in my repo here.
@arsaboo Your script appears to work MUCH better for me!
One odd thing is that for local audio it seems absolutely perfect with speech starting almost instantly and then resuming quickly… But for streaming audio there is a delay before it starts speaking of 3 - 4 seconds…
Now I understand a delay when it resumes and it needs to restart streaming… But why a delay at the beginning?
2017-07-31 23:18:16 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update for media_player.living_room is already in progress
2017-07-31 23:18:16 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update for media_player.living_room is already in progress
2017-07-31 23:18:16 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update for media_player.living_room is already in progress
I’m playing music from either a spotify playlist or from my iPhone. The TTS plays almost instantly using google_say, then stops… and stays. Doesn’t seem to restore.
It restores after 2 minutes. Remove the second wait_template and it should restore immediately after the TTS playback. Also, remove the delay from the script call.
Are you sure? The 1st wait template waits for the TTS to start to play; with a 5 second timeout. Then the second waits for it to finish playing (not playing state); with a 2 minute timeout.
If I remove the 2nd wait longer TTS messages get cutoff as it restores as soon as it starts to play.
You need the wait_template only if you are not using delay. The problem with the second wait_template is that it sometimes does not restore until the timeout if Sonos was already playing something before the TTS.
Running a very simple script trying to get it to work and still having issues. It is creating the audio file in the TTS folder, but nothing happens and it just sits there. I can play it manually so it does not appear to be corrupt. Any clues as to what could be the issue here?
I am having a similar issue as @badgerhome, I am also using the script form @arsaboo as this is the one that I like best, although I have tried other scripts on this page as well. Basicly, I have 1 out of 3 Sonos speakers that doesn’t restart playing after the announcement. Here is my setup:
Playing music and if I send a TTS announcement to my “office” speaker, I get the voice, but it never returns back to music although the other speakers continue playing. Sending the same announcement to either the kitchen or the livingroom works well with no issues, music restarts after the announcement, In summary, here are my results:
office --> music playback Does Not work
kitchen --> music playback works
livingroom --> music playback works
Of course, I want most of my announcements in the office, so I’m a little disappointed. I almost think that it’s a big in the way that the snapshot and restore works on the first speaker that was installed (office) Would this be considered my Master Speaker?
Any chance that this somehow could be fixed by a script?
IF not part of a group and music was playing, restore music
IF part of a group and music was playing, re-join the group
@berniebl Do you happen to have another Sonos speaker acting as the “master”? If so, if you unjoin them after the snapshot but aren’t rejoining them maybe that’s causing the issue?? I’d try commenting out the unjoin service and see what happens.
I’m using one of the earlier methods and seems to work rock solid for me. Although this looks interesting, I can see where it has its limitations.
Well, this surely gave me better results, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that, but I think that I need to take a look at what a “master” is and if there is a way to not configure one of my speakers this way. Still not sure if one of them is or not.
What is happening now is that the announcement is broadcasted to All speakers, but the music starts … at least the music starts back now, but it forces a new track. I can live with the new track, but the wife will not appreciate having a message broadcasted over every speakers. I can always use this script if I need a broadcast to All Speakers, but will need to research what this “master” speaker is all about and how to reconfigure …
Thanks for leading me in this direction, I appreciate your help!
Well, at least it’s a step in the right direction! Glad we somewhat isolated the issue. Later tonight or weekend, I’ll post my script. It is hard coded, but in my case, I always wanted it to go to one particular speaker and it does resume properly if they were all previously grouped. This is probably what you want in this one case.
Here’s my script. I first play music in the morning and then depending on my motion sensor, it tells me my morning update or speaks a little louder to get up! lol Anyways, it works really well as it uses the bedroom sonos speaker and resumes all other speakers music afterwards:
- service: media_player.sonos_snapshot
entity_id: "media_player.sonos_master_bedroom"
- service: media_player.media_pause
entity_id: "media_player.sonos_master_bedroom"
- service: media_player.volume_set
entity_id: >
{% if is_state("group.guest_mode_options", "off") %}
{% set players = "media_player.sonos_master_bedroom, media_player.sonos_living_room, media_player.sonos_office" %}
{% else %}
{% set players = "media_player.sonos_master_bedroom" %}
{% endif %}
{{ players }}
volume_level: >-
{%- set vol = (states.input_slider.speech_volume.state | int) -%}
{%- set adjvol = vol / 50 -%}
{%- set newvolume = adjvol | float -%}
{{ newvolume }}
- service: tts.amazon_polly_say
entity_id: "media_player.sonos_master_bedroom"
message: >-
{% if is_state("sensor.bedroom_occupancy", "Yes") %}
Good morning, I see that you are up. In case you missed it, here is your morning briefing again.
{% if is_state("input_boolean.morning_speech_weather", "on") %}The temperature outside is currently {{ states.sensor.dark_sky_apparent_temperature.state | round(0) }} degrees. {% endif %}
{% if is_state("input_boolean.morning_speech_forecast", "on") %}The weather for the day is {{ states.sensor.dark_sky_hourly_summary.state }} {% endif %}
{% if is_state("input_boolean.morning_speech_calendar", "on") %}Your first appointment is {{ states.sensor.first_calendar_title.state }} at {{ states.sensor.first_calendar_start_time.state }}. {% endif %}
{% if is_state("input_boolean.morning_speech_travel", "on") %}It will take you {{ states.sensor.first_google_travel_time.state }} minutes travel time to get there. {% endif %}
{% if is_state("input_boolean.morning_speech_reminder", "on") %} {{ states.sensor.todoist_all.state }}. {% endif %}
{%- set secondr = ["Have a great day.","Have a good one.","Goodbye","See you later alligator","Talk to you tonight"] -%} {% set sindex = (range(0, (secondr | length - 1) )|random) -%} {{secondr[sindex]}}
{% else %}
Sorry to interrupt, but you asked me to wake you up, and I do not see any movement in the bedroom. <emphasis>Please Wake up!</emphasis>
{% endif %}
- delay:
seconds: 5
- delay: >-
{% set duration = states.media_player.sonos_master_bedroom.attributes.media_duration %}
{% if duration > 0 %}
{% set duration = duration - 5 %}
{% endif %}
{% set seconds = duration % 60 %}
{% set minutes = (duration / 60)|int % 60 %}
{% set hours = (duration / 3600)|int %}
{{ [hours, minutes, seconds]|join(':') }}
- service: script.turn_on
entity_id: script.increase_volume
- service: media_player.sonos_restore
entity_id: "media_player.sonos_master_bedroom"
Thanks, I’ll surely give it a shot when there is no one here. Don’t want to aggravate the family too much or the project will be nixed. Also seems like you have some other good morning announcements that I may take a stab at. Thanks
Just to chip in, i have 2 sonos speakers which acts as a stereo pair. If i remove the “unjoin” function it restores correctly. If i don’t remove that line it will not restore the music after tts. Might be the cause for some too.
Nice man. I like it. I do a lot with my sonos similar one thing I can never get a time based automation to work. Would you mind sharing the automation?
@Darbos Here’s my automation and sensors. I have an alarm for every day of the week which is configurable through input_sliders. You could just hard code it but I prefer the ability to change as needed.
First up, create the iinput_sliders to configure the hour and minutes.
Next is the automation. Note, I have a bunch of input_boolean conditions you can take out. I have set them up because I have multiple ways to configure an alarm. One for each day of the week, another automation runs if the option to use the same alarm time every day, and finally there’s a pretty cool “ideal alarm time” based off my first calendar appointment. Also, when I’m on vacation mode, I don’t want it to run. But you’d have to set those input_booleans separately. I left them in to give you ideas.
- alias: 'Saturday Alarm'
initial_state: on
platform: time
minutes: '/5'
seconds: '0'
condition: and
- condition: time
- sat
- condition: template
value_template: '{{ ((now().strftime("%s") | int ) | timestamp_custom("%H:%M")) == states.sensor.alarmtime_sat.state }}'
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.alarm_clock_sat
state: 'on'
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.alarm_clock_all
state: 'off'
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.vacation_mode
state: 'off'
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.use_ideal_alarm_clock
state: 'off'
- service: scene.turn_on
entity_id: scene.goodmorning