Sonos UI symbology: Horizontal stacked arrows

Ref: The stock Sonos integration UI

My two Sonos One SL speakers (configured as a stereo pair) were automagically found by Home Assistant.

I’m stumped by the meaning of the below symbols (two stacked arrows pointing in the same direction and two stacked arrows pointing in opposite directions with a stroke through them).

Screen Shot 2023-07-28 at 16.57.28

If anyone can advise their meaning, I’d appreciate it! (For future reference: Where can I find the secret decoder ring for such symbology?)


The symbol on the left toggles between play in order (shown in your screenshot) and shuffle. The one on the right toggles between repeat and no repeat (the latter is shown in your screenshot).

The Custom Sonos Card from HACS is highly recommended - documentation is here:

Thank you!

I thought it might be some control to stereo-pair the speakers!

Now on to the next problem… :smile:

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