Sonos UPnP Error 714 received: Illegal MIME-Type

I am trying to play an audiobook file via the media_player.play_media service to one of my sonos speakers. The source is from my audiobookshelf server, and I have extracted the correct URL and token required to pull just the audio file from the audiobookshelf server. When attempting to run the service call, I get the dreaded Illegal MIME-Type error.

I am unsure what to do, as I have tested the URL in a new incognito browser window (to verify the authorisation token is accepted) and it pops up with the audio file playing no problems. Playing the audio file locally via the x-file-cifs:// command works for the exact same file, so I know the sonos speakers can play it. How do I structure my media player call to allow sonos to stream from my audiobookshelf server?


service call:

service: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.living_room
  media_content_type: music
  media_content_id: >-

MIME-types is a tag that says something about the format of the file, so maybe it is not music as content type.

Thanks for the thoughts @WallyR

Given that the exact same file plays ok when referenced via the x-file-cifs:// method (with music as the type), I’m less inclined to think that the MIME type itself is the issue, and that there is something else going on? :thinking:

Hello MrSir,

I agree that it doesn’t like the file.
Some things are true whether you believe them or not.
Try other types (words).
Maybe “audio/mp3”

That doesn’t work either, unfortunately…

2024-08-24 20:38:15.093 ERROR (SyncWorker_53) [homeassistant.components.sonos.media_player] Sonos does not support a media type of "audio/mp3"
2024-08-24 20:38:30.380 ERROR (SyncWorker_30) [homeassistant.components.sonos.media_player] Sonos does not support a media type of "audio"

All other automations/service calls I have with my sonos speakers use ‘music’ as the content type

Maybe this can help.

Thanks WallyR - after a couple of hours of playing around still no luck on that one. Troubleshooting this is proving a real challenge :sweat_smile:

ok so interestingly, it doesn’t seem to check the MIME-Type of the actual file/link, as a packet capture shows that it never even attempts to contact the link in the media_content_id to determine the MIME-Type. So something in the service call itself must be tripping the MIME-Type error?? = HomeAssistant = Sonos Arc = Audiobookshelf (which isn’t contacted per the packet log below - even when using the direct IP address instead of domain. I’ve confirmed that the firewall is wide open here, so it is not blocking anything).

That is from a service call as below (with or without leading http:// has been tested):

service: media_player.play_media
  media_content_type: music
  media_content_id: ''
  entity_id: media_player.living_room

@jjlawren sorry to tag you in this, but I think you’ll know the most about how it all works! Any ideas? :slight_smile:

Whilst the above still seems to be problematic, I found a way to work around the problem with the following:

media_content_id: 'x-rincon-mp3radio://'

Audiobookshelf has the option to return an m3u8 playlist as a hls stream (as I just discovered when poking around the API), which allows sonos to connect to it as if it were a radio stream.

Whilst this solves my immediate problem, I still don’t understand why the invalid MIME-Type error is reported against a url without sonos even checking what the MIME-Type is… :thinking:

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