Sony Bravia TV component help

Hi all,

I would like to integrate my Sony Bravia TV KDL 55W905A but I’m struggling a bit.

I’ve started with the HA standard braviatv component. Setup of the media_player card was straigth forward and I was able to control my TV. But it only offers me as source input HDMI 1, HDMI 2, HDMI 3 etc., the default input is TV on my tv and TV is not given in the input list so I always would have to use the orginal remote control to switch back to TV channel.

Second I’ve tried was the braviatv_psk component since it offers to control/customize the input list but my TV does not support pre-shared key. I found a custom component from gerard33 ( which seems to combine pin and psk but if I copy the file into custom_components/bravia_psk folder HA complains after restart about missing component.

What is the best way to integrate the bravia TV incl. getting “complete” list of input devices?

Hope that somebody can push me into right direction.

Thanks in advance, Sven

Did you figure this out?