Sony Bravia TV component with Pre-Shared Key

Thank you!

I’ve tested and confirm that it’s working. But I can not select the source. Do I need some configuration? In Home Assistant I can change the source.

Edit: Now I can see the sources. I don’t really know what happend. Maybe it is because I re-configured HomeKit.

Cool! Did you need to do anything in Homekit to make it work? Like removing the old entities?

I did remove the old entitties, restarted HA, add the new entitty and then it just works.

BUT you should care about your sources. If you don’t have any filters, you will have to much sources and HomeKit (or HA) has some issues with it. Maybe it is because of die 100 Device Limit? I am not sure. But I had to filter my sources to an minimum. But I guess, this is nothing for your component.

Hi Gerad, sorry, tested last night, doesn’t work I’m afraid

Yeah there is a limit to the number of devices in Homekit, believe that’s indeed 100 and it’s in the HA Homekit documentation. So in that case filtering is needed.

Were you able to only delete the Sony entities in Homekit? Because for me that’s not working. Or did you remove the entire Homekit integration and enable that again?

Ok so I have a question I’ve been trying to research the answer, so forgive me if this has been asked and answered already. I have a slightly older Sony TV. It is a KDL65W850A. It works with the built-in Bravia component, but just barely. It does not have the PSK functionality, just the PIN authentication. I can control sources, power, and volume, but that’s it.

Would the PSK version (this component) work with this TV and give me some more control such as channel control? In other words, does the PSK version have the normal PIN authentication built in?

Unfortunately this is not possible. I had to remove the entire HomeKit integration. Maybe you can exclude the entiies and include them again.
Since I completely removed my HomeKit integration to investigate the device limit problem, I couldn’t test it.

You can’t delete a device in the Homekit app, although it’s still in the Apple support docs.

I will remove the media_player entity from HA (restart), add it again (restart) and see if that works.
I don’t like to completely setup my devices again to rooms in Homekit :roll_eyes:

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This component is great! The only issue I am having is with the sourcefilter and getting my local channels to show up. For a channel with call sign KXAS-DT, do I need to put that in quotes?

You need qoutes when the channel contains a space.
For example ' HD' will show all channels with * HD in the name like NPO1 HD.

I didn’t work to remove and add the media_player entity, so now I have added the media_player via a second Home Assistant server to Homekit.
I did get the sources directly. Looks really cool.

But I don’t have an option for volume increase / decrease. Will try to add that via supported_features. Will let you know when you can do some more beta testing :slight_smile:

Edit: looks like I have all in place for the supported_features as shown here.
I don’t get an option for volume up / down however. Anyone an idea what needs to go there to get this supported?

The component only support TVs with PSK.
I did some work on a version which supports both PSK and PIN a while ago. You can try that version which is available here ->
Give it a try, but I won’t do any support as the PIN is not working on my TV so can’t do any testing myself.

Thanks. I’ll give it a try this weekend.

So I just tried this version (EDIT: the unsupported version you posted that has both PIN authentication and PSK support). I fought with the configuration but finally got it connected using the pin from the other Bravia component. I was unable to get the TV to show a new pin though (even testing with 0000 to force the TV to display a new pin). I had to delete the "host": "<IP address> key from the Bravia.conf file that is generated before HA would load the component/entity. After that it displayed on the frontend, but I couldn’t do anything with it. I would click the power button and it would flip to the powered on state, but the TV physically didn’t do anything. If I turned the TV on, the card state would immediately flip to off. If I clicked power from the frontend it did nothing. If I double clicked the power button it flipped to on but 1 second later back to off in the frontend. If I triple clicked the power button it would actually turn my TV off, but I could never turn it back on again. That’s where I got with testing it.

I’m using this component without issues so far. Only weird thing which I don’t know if it specific for my TV is that my source list is only of HDMI1/2/3/4 and Video. The TV Channels doesn’t appears here. It is possible to change any config to be able to list TV Channels as well?

This is my TV:

Edit: I found BR use a specific protocol so I created a PR to be added:

Hi, this component works great with my TV.
I’m using it with amp: true and it’s controlling my amp volume as expected.
But I’ve just started using the mini-media-player custom lovelace card so I could access the volume slider on the UI without using the more-info pop-up box, but the volume slider doesn’t seem to work.
Does anyone know how to make the volume slider actually control the amp volume? 01%20pm

Thanks for testing. Seems like that version of the component has a lot of work to do :roll_eyes:
Maybe someone can dive into it.

Your PR wont work for this component, as I am using a forked version of the library of aparraga. Will put it on my list to add it in my version.

You have to add volume_stateless: true which will give you volume up and down buttons. The slider wont work for the amp. That will only work if you have a separate media_player entity for you amp.

@gerard33 Thanks! Works perfectly now.

Hello All, I am hoping someone can help. I have never been able to get the channels list to populate:

My config:

- platform: braviatv_psk
  name: Bravia TV
  host: REDACTED
  amp: False
  android: True

When playing a tv channel through the live channels app, here is the dev-info data:

is_volume_muted: false
media_content_type: tvshow
media_series_title: No info (resumed after pause or app opened)
source_list: HDMI 1,HDMI 2,HDMI 3/ARC,HDMI 4,Video 1,Video 2/Component
friendly_name: Bravia TV
supported_features: 24509

I suspect the problem is the media source is not from pypi:

            for result in results:
                # tv:dvbc = via cable, tv:dvbt = via DTT, tv:dvbs = via satellite, tv:atsct = via atsct
                if result['source'] in ['tv:dvbc', 'tv:dvbt', 'tv:dvbs', 'tv:atsct']:

Is there a query I can run to find out what the source should be?

In my live channels app, I have integrated the ATSC-T tvtuner for the united states; TV Headend; Pluto TV and Google Play Movies.

Can you add it next version or do you want a PR?