Sort By: Setting/Selection Should be Persistent

Automations (and more) are now organizable in a nice table, grouped by category and sorted by last_triggerd. The latter is reset as soon as you leave the table, i.e. when editing an automation and come back. That is pretty annoying.

Did you write this before or after you loaded today’s release, because today, this is all different than yesterday…

i just checked to be sure, but the sorting preferences are still not remembered once you change view. So my request stays opportune.

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The new table features for sorting, filtering and grouping (introduced in 2024.4) are awesome! It would be even more awesome if there was a way to “pin” the settings. E.g. for my automations, I like them to be always grouped by area.


“Preset” is a combination of settings:

  • sorting;
  • filtering.
  • grouping.

Every table has a default (“factory”) preset.

It is possible to save current settings as a preset:

  • as a new preset;
  • as an existing preset.
    It must not be possible to save a preset as a “default preset” - i.e. the default preset cannot be overwritten.

After saving, a preset is automatically given a new name (like “Preset 1”, “Preset 2” etc) - which must be unique for this table.
It is possible to rename a preset. Names must be unique for this table.

It is possible to delete a preset. If an active preset is deleted - after deletion a default preset is set automatically.

Select a preset:
It is possible to select any available preset - or reset to the default preset.
A user can only select presets created by this user.
Once selected, a preset is active for this current session.
It would be great to restore a selected preset on a user’s login.

Presets should be stored in a DB associated to a user who created them.


That’s a very extensive elaboration. However, I do no need presets. I would already be happy if the sorting/grouping/filtering settings were persisted per table.

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Would be nice to have the option to save my default view when I enter → “Devices & serices” → “Devices” or “Entities” (or any places you can sort items). I like to have my devices presented in a certain way, and everytime I open the device page I have to set my grouping and filters again.

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I understand presets and they’re great.

But at the end of the day - the display needs to stay put when I hit the back button. Which is the ops request.

Personally I don’t think it’s a FR I consider current behavior a UI bug because it creates user confusion. Voted and still considering bug

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I was thinking about solutions. What if the filter/sort/group options were URL parameters? That would instantly make the back button work correctly. It would also add the possibility to create custom links with pre-set filters/grouping/sorting. Would be quite powerful for power users, especially combined with things like panel_custom. Yet, for novice users, it wouldn’t sit in the way. And it would be relatively easy to implement, since nothing would have to be persisted in a database.

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This would be great.

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If i work on an automation, ich use the new and really hot filtermenu. But if i switch to another page and switch back, my filter has gone. I had to enter all the things again to find my automation.

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