I have several error messages that list the source with a py number, like in the example below
How can I use that py:321 to find the error ?
Logger: homeassistant.components.zwave_js.services
Source: components/zwave_js/helpers.py:321
Integration: Z-Wave (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 9:59:00 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:59:00 PM
Entity light.6_6_lobby_ceiling is not a valid zwave_js entity.
In the specific case I remember that some time ago I changed the name of the lobby-ceiling device from 6-6 to 16-6. I checked all the relevant automations and nowhere do I see that 6-6 is still used. I also checked in Zwave JS UI and there is no 6-6. Any help will be very much appreciated.