SP108E digital wifi light strip controller

Do you need to install the app in order to connect it to wifi, or does it come with its own wifi network and you can connect it to your existing one in the browser like a Shelly or Tasmota device? I’ll get one of these if so.

Ciao @samhstein pardon me but I’m a bit late in understanding :sweat_smile: where I should add “host and name” info because it doesn’t recognize anything… do I need to insert something like this in config.yaml?

  - platform: sp108e_ws2815
    name: salottoLED

or I need to insert these 2 info on “config_flow.py” file here (or whatelse please?)

# TODO adjust the data schema to the data that you need
STEP_USER_DATA_SCHEMA = vol.Schema({"host": str, "name": str})

Thank you in advance for your clarification :sweat_smile:

After installing custom integration, go to devices page of HA, click add new and seaech for sp and configure through ui

thank you for the time in replying me, I’ve done it straightaway and it has been recognized. Indeed I can switch it on and off (which is a function useless for me because I have the buttons on the wall to switch it on) but the bad thing is that it has a quite evident delay and list of effects doesn’t correspond at all.

Are you aware of any places that sell the SP108E pre-flashed for WLED 2MB?

If anyone is interested, I have created an integration (based on samhstein) for the current 2025 version:

Toggle on/off
Color changing
UI color state
Effect Speed
Auto change to solid color when color is selected