SP501e Wifi LED Controller integration

Any possibilities for controlling SP501e via Home Assistant? Manufacturer provides Android application called Fairy Nest to operate the lights via their cloud service but I would a) prefer to do all the light controls locally without any 3th party cloud service b) to integrate led strip light control to lovelace UI.


+1. A FairyNest integration for Home Assistant would be awesome.

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Amy solution Set? I’m Not able to flash with wled. So any idea? Prince ist fine and no Need to Söldner.

Just flashed a couple to WLED - all quite straightforward. They have good solder pads for serial. WLED has SP501E as an available environment to build. https://margau.net/posts/2020-11-21-2h-led-hack/ has some excellent pictures with pads all labelled and an ESPHome config.

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Thanks DeanoX, I’ll have a look at the tutorial.

Could you please Provide the wled bin? And explain how you flashed it?