Any possibilities for controlling SP501e via Home Assistant? Manufacturer provides Android application called Fairy Nest to operate the lights via their cloud service but I would a) prefer to do all the light controls locally without any 3th party cloud service b) to integrate led strip light control to lovelace UI.
+1. A FairyNest integration for Home Assistant would be awesome.
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Amy solution Set? I’m Not able to flash with wled. So any idea? Prince ist fine and no Need to Söldner.
Just flashed a couple to WLED - all quite straightforward. They have good solder pads for serial. WLED has SP501E as an available environment to build. has some excellent pictures with pads all labelled and an ESPHome config.
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Thanks DeanoX, I’ll have a look at the tutorial.
Could you please Provide the wled bin? And explain how you flashed it?