I really like how fast history and logbook are after upgrade ! I do not like though the default settings that are applied to views Every time I check history I have to reconfigure view from calendar selector to see exactly what I want to see.
Would it be possible to have some sort of default view configuration parameters in history component to be added? Sort of:
show: 24 h # number of hours to show
2 d # number of days to show
start: flex # start at exact number of hours/days back from now()
day_start # start at midninght of first full inclusive day
So the old behaviour from pre 0.112 (show up to 24 hours from midnight) would be then configured as:
show: 24 h
start: day_start
and my preferred view (show last 48 hours) would be:
show: 48 h
start: flex
Obvioulsy just an idea, actual implementation could be done perhaps somehow smarter…