Speech-to-text failed (stt-stream-failed)

I get this error quite often

home assistant speech-to-text failed (stt-stream-failed)

and in the whisper add on logs I see:

DEBUG:__main__:Namespace(model='auto', uri='tcp://', data_dir=['/data'], download_dir='/data', device='cpu', language='en', compute_type='default', beam_size=0, initial_prompt='null', debug=True, log_format='%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s')
DEBUG:__main__:Model automatically selected: tiny-int8
DEBUG:__main__:Beam size automatically selected: 1
DEBUG:__main__:Loading rhasspy/faster-whisper-tiny-int8
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): huggingface.co:443
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:https://huggingface.co:443 "GET /api/models/rhasspy/faster-whisper-tiny-int8/revision/main HTTP/11" 200 719
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:https://huggingface.co:443 "HEAD /openai/whisper-tiny/resolve/main/tokenizer.json HTTP/11" 200 0

My current theory is that this is because of my duck DNS remote access setup, where I wasn’t able to forward all the ports I wanted to.
My FritzBox router allowed me to forward the 8123 port but not the 443 port as well.

Is this plausible? Do I need to either get a router that will do support both ports being forwarded, or switch to Home Assistant Cloud?

Just got a HA Voice: Preview Edition and its great when it works the first time, but then I have to restart whisper to get past that sst stream failed error…

any theories welcome.


I have completely reconfigured my external access from scratch using the cloudflare addon tunnel approach, no port forwarding on the router or https certificates, and local access is working properly again as far as I can tell.

but the stt stream failed error persists…

I have the same setup - and the same issue.
Tried to switch to a private domain but didn’t get it working.
Any progress here?