"Speech to Text" using Alexa

Hi All
Is it possible to intercept / receive a command given to an Echo device in HA as a transcribed text string?
For Example, I have a temperature sensor that measure the first floor.
I have an automation that when I ask Alexa “What is the first floor temperature”, Alexa message me back with the status of the temperature - so far so good.
I would like that automation to have Alexa ask in that message if I wish to turn on the AC if the temperature is below a certain value, and pass to my wish when I answer “Yes or No” to HA.
So basically after the message (which is easy to do) Alexa needs to be waken, get my answer and pass my massage to HA as a text, and from there the automation would take control.

Would it be possible to do?
Appreciate any help on this


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