I have two linear actuators on a standing desk that don’t operate at the same speed…so I need to slow one of them down to match the other.
I’m using a combination of relays and wemos d1 minis to control the polarity of the power connections from the 12V power supply so I can control the up/down movement from HA, but I’m also interested in being able to control the speed of one of the actuators through HA with an input slider or input number.
Is there a method through ESPHome to control DC voltage such that I can set the speed in HA as opposed to having a manual dial wired into one of the actuators?
All of the power to the actuators is 12V and I’m stepping down the 12V to power the wemos so I don’t have to use two outlets for the desk. So any PWM control needs to be 12V, as far as I know…
It looks like I could use something like this in conjunction with the Wemos D1 Mini like I would with a PWM computer fan.
Followup Question:
The linear actuators have their own built in stop mechanism. To reverse direction, you simply swap the polarity of the power source. I’m wondering if that would need to happen after the digital PWM speed control or if it could be done before the power gets to the speed control.