Speed test problem (hassbian)

Can anyone think why these are the results I got at speed testing (HASSBIAN)
When I connect a laptop directly to the router, I get great results (it’s the same router that the RPI is connected to

Is the Pi allowed to communicate outside your local network?

Can you ping a host outside your network?

What model Pi?

Is the pi connected via wifi or wired?

s the Pi allowed to communicate outside your local network? - yes

Can you ping a host outside your network? - yes (

What model Pi? - RPI3

Is the pi connected via wifi or wired? - WIRED

Im running v 1.32 and speedtest works fine. May want to check the server being used, it may have a connection issue on the other end.

Pi3 or Pi3B+?

With the laptop through the same server the test goes properly

What if you try to download like a 100mb bin file from some kind of speedtest site? If that is slow too, check the cable connected to the pi and also check what the throughput is at the moment

How do I do it through the pi?

download a file with $ wget http://mirror.to.a.file/100mb.bin (google for bin files loads of sites)

hmmm gives you 2mb/s… You sure you test also a local server with the speedtest tool? Not one in like Asia somewhere while you are in USA or Europe?

I tried 3 different servers all with the same problem

Is it possible that your router is blocking traffic to your Pi?



I dno’t think so
I have another compnants like a weather, And they are show the information from the internet

Try pinging an IP/Domain on the web.

The PING works, I checked against and another site