Speedtest component not keeping history?

I have the speedtest component set to monitor my internet quality each few hours, the problem is that when I go in the history tab and look at its chart, it never shows me more than few hours of log.

Do I have to change some setting to make it keep all the history?

- platform: speedtest
      - ping
      - download
      - upload
      - 0
      - 6
      - 12
      - 18

it keeps history for me. The only difference I have from you is that I don’t specify the hours. I just let it run every hour on the hour:

- platform: speedtest
      - ping
      - download
      - upload

Also, what are you using for history? Can you post your history & recorder configuration?

I sue the “History” tab

I had this running for weeks and it reports just few hours

Yeah, I’m positive its because of your filter. This is mine, with no filter:

Also, I’m guessing you don’t realize it, but history only shows a day by default. You told the filter to only show 0, 6, 12, and 18. A day goes from 0 to 24. Home Assistant is showing exactly what you asked for.


And just to clarify, if you choose a period longer than a day. You need to move back in time in order to see more than a day as well:


Oh thanks! That’s it