SpeedTest integration: Add "last update" sensor to show when the speed test was last run

I feel that the SpeedTest integration is missing a “last updated” sensor to show when the test was last run.

Thanks you!


Yes, I know. My internet connection is rubbish. :roll_eyes:

You didn’t vote for your own WTH.

I can see that sensor being useful. In the meantime you can create your own template sensor for this.

  - sensor:
      - name: "Speedtest Last Update"
        unique_id: speedtest_last_update
        device_class: timestamp
        state: "{{ states.sensor.speedtest_download.last_updated }}"


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I just voted! My first time submitting a request.

Thank you for the work around!

It works perfectly! Thank you!!


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Yes, what Jason said.

Sorry I didn’t give more details (suddenly realised that I couldn’t remember how I did it :thinking:).

If you haven’t found it already, you might be interested in the Speedtest add-on. It doesn’t replace the integration, but it allows you to select the server to be pinged (making for more accuracy) and you can run it as often as you like.

I installed that too! I’m all good with the addon and the yaml example Jason gave me.