Is anyone else having issues with the speedtest component? For the last few days, the upload speeds have been all over the place. Just trying to narrow down i fit is a component, pc, internal network, or provider issue. Seems to only be happening in home assistant because when I run a test on the speedtest website on a different computer, the correct speeds are shown.
it’s been working great for me. I think it’s your ISP or network. Although I have seen drops in my dl speeds. Also, I have shitty upload/download speeds…
Thank you! At least I can eliminate the component as being the issue.
Does your household do a lot of streaming. The drop in download speeds could be bandwidth limitations in the evening. Your ~35 Mb connection can only pull that max, if netflix/hulu/etc. is pulling a bunch while speedtest runs you will have a drop. All your drops seem to be clustered in the later evening.
Oh yeah, its definitely streaming.
Mine dropped to about 10% in speed about a month ago. haven’t figured out why yet.
QLD, Australia