I have a spinning fan in my floorplan. How can I change the color when it starts spinning? Do I need to change the svg source or can I use a fill function?
OK, here is my code so far. when I debug, it appears to call the correct images but for some reason, I don’t see them. Is there a way to find out if they are just off screen?
Yes you would add to the css by adding that fill and transition to the class. That may or may not work depending on what the fan image is. Yes replacing the image with a different one might be another solution.
Yes having the image fly off screen is a known possibility. This is usually indicated by the fan being visible and then disappearing when you turn it on. I am away from home at the moment but search the various threads here and you will find the css needed.
there are no errors in the log. when the image initially loads, I see the fan flash then its gone. its like when the entity status is updates the image its gone. I’m guessing its out in space somewhere. not sure how to correct it.
the animation works fine with the element in the svg file. when I add the lines below to change the image thats where the problem is. I’m thinking, I may need to apply some position to the css so it doesn’t move?
You could start by removing the class set which would mean you will know if it is the css that is the problem.
Have a look at the thread here which is talking about making spinning fans work. Look above and below the link Share your Floorplan - #324 by keithh666