Split climate swing_mode in horizontal and vertical

At least the Daikin AC has separate settings for a horizontal and vertical swing and it looks more climate devices do have that. Home Assistant only provides one swing_mode attribute, would be much easier if there is a separate horizontal_swing_mode and vertical_swing_mode as supported feature with accessors/setters.

See for example Vertical direction - Floor heating · Issue #89 · rospogrigio/daikin_residential · GitHub

Agree. The Daikin has both vertical and horizontal swing in the Sensibo App, and the Climate React.

I am able to program swing mode for both independently in climate react:

alias: Loft Climate On Winter Mode
  - action: sensibo.enable_climate_react
    metadata: {}
      high_temperature_threshold: 24
      low_temperature_threshold: 23
      smart_type: temperature
        "on": false
        "on": true
        fanLevel: auto
        temperatureUnit: C
        targetTemperature: 24
        mode: heat
        horizontal_swing_mode: auto
        swing_mode: auto
      entity_id: climate.loft_hvac
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 2
      milliseconds: 0
  - action: switch.turn_on
        - switch.loft_hvac_climate_react
    data: {}
description: Turn on the climate react in the Loft in Winter Mode
mode: single
icon: mdi:home-thermometer

but the UI lacks the ability to set these individually.

I am waiting on the HA core/frontend changes to implement this in the daikin_onecta integration, see Support upcoming horizontal/vertical swing modes · Issue #294 · jwillemsen/daikin_onecta · GitHub