Splitting alternate dashboard into multiple files

I am building an alternate dashboard for mobile devices and am trying to split everything into individual files to make it easier to edit each file and section individually. My views are calling correctly but I have a set of popups that aren’t.

Here’s my main ui file: /config/dashboards/mobile/mobile.yaml

  - include extras/swipe.yaml
  - !include extras/popups.yaml
  - !include views/view_Living_room.yaml
  - !include views/view_Family_room.yaml

The views: sections call the referenced files correctly and they show up and work in the ui perfectly. However, none of the popup cards work correctly nor does the swipe feature. The popups are cards that replace the more_info action on specified entities. Instead of getting the correct popup cards, I end up getting the standard more_info cards for the entities.

It’s strange because the popups and swipe feature work correctly if I put the content of the swipe_nav: and popup_cards: in my main ui file above the views: section.

Here’s my popups file: config/dashboards/mobile/extras/popups.yaml

    type: 'custom:roku-card'
    entity: media_player.living_room_roku
    tv: true
    theme: slate
      - icon: 'mdi:netflix'
        app: Netflix
      - icon: 'mdi:castle'
        app: Disney Plus
  title: Living Room Remote
    type: 'custom:roku-card'
    entity: media_player.family_room_roku
    tv: true
    theme: slate
      - icon: 'mdi:netflix'
        app: Netflix
      - icon: 'mdi:castle'
        app: Disney Plus
  title: Family Room Remote
    type: thermostat
    entity: climate.home_thermostat
    theme: slate
  title: Home Thermostat
  auto_close: true

What am I missing or doing wrong? Thanks for the assistance!!!