Splitting customize in configuration

Hi! Trying to split my configuration file and get stuck on customize:

In my configuration.yaml I wrote:

customize: !include customizing.yaml

My customizing.yaml includes this.

- sensor.yr_humidity:
    friendly_name: Luftfuktighet
    icon: mdi:water-percent
- sensor.yr_temperature:
    friendly_name: Tempertur
    icon: mdi:temperature-celsius
- sensor.yr_wind_speed:
    friendly_name: Vindhastighet
    icon: mdi:weather-windy
- sensor.yr_condition:
    friendly_name: Nederbörd
    icon: mdi:weather-rainy
- sensor.yr_precipitation:
    friendly_name: Nederbörd
    icon: mdi:weather-rainy
- sensor.yr_symbol:
    friendly_name: Väderlek
- sun.sun:
    friendly_name: Sol
    hidden: true
- device_tracker.linuxlan:
    icon: mdi:raspberrypi
- device_tracker.philipslan:
    icon: mdi:lightbulb
- device_tracker.routerlan:
    icon: mdi:router-wireless
- device_tracker.tivoe800d5bf0c82f56lan:
    icon: mdi:monitor
- device_tracker.android8f3ebbf27d050e6flan:
    icon: mdi:tablet-android
- device_tracker.arbetsrumlan:
    icon: mdi:laptop
- device_tracker.madeleinesmbplan:
    icon: mdi:laptop-mac
- device_tracker.mediaserverlan:
    icon: mdi:server

In my loggfile i found this
homeassistant.bootstrap: Invalid config for [homeassistant]: Expected dictionary for dictionary value @ data[‘customize’]. Got [OrderedDict([(‘sensor.yr_humidity’, OrderedDict([(‘friendly_name’, ‘Luftfuktighet’), (‘icon’, ‘mdi:water-percent’)]))]), OrderedDict([(‘sensor.yr_temperature’, OrderedDict([(‘friendly_name’, ‘Tempertur’), (‘icon’, ‘mdi:temperature-celsius’)]))]), OrderedDict([(‘sensor.yr_wind_speed’, OrderedDict([(‘friendly_name’, ‘Vindhastighet’), (‘icon’, ‘mdi:weather-windy’)]))]), OrderedDict([(‘sensor.yr_condition’, OrderedDict([(‘friendly_name’, ‘Nederbörd’), (‘icon’, ‘mdi:weather-rainy’)]))]), OrderedD… (See /var/opt/homeassistant/configuration.yaml:3)

When pasting code in the forum, you need to use the Preformatted Text option on the toolbar of the editor, it looks like this icon:


Otherwise we can not tell the spacing and formatting you used in your configuration.yaml

Hilight the code and click that button so we can see your code how it really is

Other than the dashes, it looks correct.

Under sensors and devices? I

icon, fiendley_name?

Change the file name to customize.yaml and make sure customize: ! include customize.yaml is directly under time_zone: and not with your other ! includes.

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Here’s the first section of my customize.yaml (not going to post the whole thing because it’s long):

#                                     #
# Customizations                      #
#                                     #
# Sensors
# Forecast.io
   friendly_name: Cloud Coverage
   icon: mdi:cloud-outline
   friendly_name: Outdoor Humidity
   icon: mdi:water
   friendly_name: Barometric Pressure
   icon: mdi:nature
   icon: mdi:thermometer
   friendly_name: Outdoor Temp
   icon: mdi:weather-windy
   friendly_name: Wind Speed
   friendly_name: Condition
   friendly_name: Ozone Levels
   friendly_name: Prob of Precip
   icon: mdi:water-percent
   friendly_name: Precip Type
   icon: mdi:weather-rainy
   friendly_name: Precip Intensity
   icon: mdi:weather-pouring
   friendly_name: Visibility
   icon: mdi:weather-fog
   friendly_name: Nearest Storm
   icon: mdi:weather-lightning
   friendly_name: Wind Bearing
   icon: mdi:apple-safari
   friendly_name: Real Feel
   icon: mdi:account-alert
   friendly_name: Dew Point
   icon: mdi:oil-temperature

This is the big one that everybody misses first time around. :wink:

Edit: Myself included. :slight_smile:


I know I did!

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Now it works! Thanx!

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Is it required to have a single space for the 1st level of indent?

This worked for me. But I don’t get the logic as to why I should have a single leading space on each line i customize.yaml. In my head there should be either zero spaces or two spaces.

Can anyone explain?

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