Splitting multiple modbus energy meters into separate devices


I’ve got multiple Eastron SDM120M Modbus energy meters, each of which exposes a bunch of sensors. I’ve integrated them into Home Assistant using a single Modbus TCP server, and everything works as expected. However, I’m running into one minor issue: instead of being split into separate devices, they’re all lumped together under the modbus integration as one giant set of entities.

Each sensor is distinguishable by its name prefix (e.g., sdm_kitchen_voltage, sdm_living_voltage, etc.), and since I mostly work with YAML files, it wont been a big deal. But before I start building dashboards and automations around it, I’d like to know if there’s a way to split each SDM120M into its own device for better organization.

I’ve looked through the documentation, but I might have missed something. Is there a specific naming scheme or unique ID scheme I should be using to achieve this? I also tried adding the Modbus TCP gateway for each SDM separately, but when I added a second Modbus device with the same IP and port, Home Assistant threw an error and refused to load it.

Any help is appreciated.