Splitting Up customize.yaml

I’m attempting to split my customize.yaml into two files. I have some entities which I’ve customized that I don’t want readable. For example:

  friendly_name: Public Entity ID
  friendly_name: Don't Look At Me

Ideally, this would be split into two files, such as:


  friendly_name: Public Entity ID


  friendly_name: Don't Look At Me

Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to do this reliably. With the following solution, only one of the files seems to get loaded:

customize: !include_dir_merge_named customize/

Help appreciated, thanks.

I’m not sure how/why, but this is now properly working for me. Ah well, sorry folks.

It is not clear that you are aware of secrets.yaml


Well, my problem is that my entity IDs themselves contain information I’d rather not commit to a Git repo. Specifically the haveibeenpwned component.

You can access any entry from the secrets.yaml file, it doesn’t have to be a password.

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I don’t think you understand my problem. The entity ID being generated by haveibeenpwned has an approximation of an email address in it, and I would rather not commit that entity ID to git because it’s not an email address which I control. However, I would also like to put that entity into my customize.yaml to attach a friendly_name:

  - platform: haveibeenpwned
    email: !secret haveibeenpwned_email_addresses

This generates entity IDs in the following format:


Are you saying that the following setup would work?


breach_entity_1: sensor.breaches_someonegmailcom


!secret breach_entity_1:
  friendly_name: "Someone's Email Address"

This is correct, I was merely making sure you were aware of all the possibilities and not spending time re-inventing a wheel.

I’m not sure if that will work in secrets file - it is certainly an edge case, but it would be interesting to see if it does.

This is correct, I was merely making sure you were aware of all the possibilities and not spending time re-inventing a wheel.

Gotcha, and thanks.

FWIW, splitting my customize.yaml into separate files and using !include_dir_merge_named seems to have fixed the problem. I just used a .gitignore line to block out the private file. Along the way I learned that it won’t load a file using !include_dir_merge_named if the file is named secrets.yaml.

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