I have a “Zooz ZSE40 4-in-1 sensor” that I recently bought. The issue I’m having is that the temperature updates are very sporadic. As of right now, the temperature hasn’t updated for 11 hours. Am I missing something here? Is this just a bad device or is there a configuration setting I can change to address this?
Here’s some information about the device:
manufacturer name: Zooz
product name: ZSE40 4-in-1 sensor
query stage: Complete
is awake: false
is ready: true
is failed:false
is info received: true
max baud rate: 40000
is zwave plus: true
capabilities: beaming, routing
neighbors: 1
sentCnt: 20
sentFailed: 1
retries: 0
receivedCnt: 169
receivedDups: 0
receivedUnsolicited: 164
sentTS: 2017-05-30 19:48:28:160
receivedTS: 2017-05-30 22:10:16:656
lastRequestRTT: 23
averageRequestRTT: 24
lastResponseRTT: 34
averageResponseRTT: 34
battery level: 100
wake up interval: 600