Sports Standings and Scores

Define a “compact” solution … you cannot want a bracket -style layout and want a compact solution.

If you only want a simple list/table like:

A Team B Team
C Team D Team

Then you have everything to build that with what I posted and using a simple markdown card.

This is my first time sharing with the community. Here are my REST sensors, template sensors, decluttering templates, button card templates, groups, and dashboard cards for the Playoff Brackets - NFL, MLB, and NHL. I use a Home Assistant split configuration, so if you do not, you may need to modify code to match your setup. I used kbrown01’s code as a basis and then added/modified for my family’s benefit (only NHL, MLB, and NFL), so I will not post my entire configuration here. I am also not currently a github user, so I will split the information into 3 separate posts by sport. This is all based on ESPN feeds, which are subject to change.

There are additional dependencies I use for the playoff brackets - mushroom-title-card (piitaya) and button-card (RomRider). Both are available in HACS. If you do not have HACS due to your Home Assistant setup, set it up following their instructions. As part of the dashboard layout-cards, I have used mediaquery for displaying on phones and tablets. It is generic, so if it does not suit your devices, please consult thomasloven’s layout-card instructions in HACs.

I was able to find some MLB and NHL playoff data from last year and test it. It should work next year unless ESPN changes the format of their feeds.

Here is the generic code that currently works for the NFL, NHL, and MLB data for the REST/template sensors and groups I will post for the 3 sports. You need to add this to your lovelace dashboard card(s), according to your setup.

General - Shared across NFL, MLB, and NHL

Button Card Templates

    show_state: false
    show_name: true
        - border: 3px solid green
    show_state: false
    show_name: true
    show_state: false
    show_label: true
    show_name: true
        - border: 3px solid yellow
    show_state: false
    show_name: true
    show_label: true
        - padding: 10px
        - font-size: 20px
    show_state: false
    show_name: true
    show_label: true
        - border: 3px solid yellow
        - padding: 10px!important
    show_state: false
    show_name: true
    show_label: true
        - padding: 10px
    show_state: false
    show_name: true
    show_label: false
        - border: 3px solid yellow
        - padding: 10px
        - font-size: 20px
    show_state: false
    show_name: true
    show_label: true
        - border: 1px solid red
        - padding: 10px
        - font-size: 20px
    show_state: false
    show_name: true
    show_label: true
        - border: 3px solid green

Decluttering Templates - po_game_info corrected for Live Scores (1/29/2024)

      type: custom:mushroom-title-card
      title: '[[forecast_label]]'
        style: |
          ha-card {
            .title {
              font-size: 24px;
              color: #6CB4EE;
              font-weight: bold;
              border: 1px solid white;
              padding: 3px;
              padding-bottom: -16px!important;
      type: custom:mushroom-title-card
      title: '[[po_level]]'
        style: |
          ha-card {
            .title {
                font-size: 20px;
                color: #6CB4EE;
                background-color: #505050;
                font-weight: bold;
                border: 1px solid white;
                padding: 3px;
                text-align: center;
      type: custom:mushroom-title-card
      title: '[[po_league]]'
        style: |
          ha-card {
            .title {
                font-size: 20px;
                color: #6CB4EE;
                font-weight: bold;
                border-bottom: 1px solid white;
                padding: 3px;
                margin: 1px;
            border-radius: 5px!important;
            padding: 3px!important;
            margin: 1px!important;
      type: custom:mushroom-title-card
      title: Game [[po_game]]
      alignment: center
        style: |
          ha-card {
            .title {
                font-size: 20px;
                color: #6CB4EE;
                font-weight: bold;
            padding: 3px!important;
            margin: 1px!important;

      type: custom:auto-entities
      unique: true
      show_empty: false
        type: custom:stack-in-card
        mode: horizontal
      card_param: cards
        template: >
          {% set ns = namespace(results=[], winner='', logo='', tmpl= '',
            game_info='', tv_tmpl= '',dt_tm='', tv='TBD', weather='', ag='',odds='',
            winner_txt='',score_txt='',teams_txt='',wip_txt='') -%}

          {%- set po_teams = "[[playoff_teams]]" -%} {%- set po_schedule =
          "[[playoff_schedule]]" -%} {%- set gnum = "[[game_num]]" | int %} {%-
          set snum = "[[series_num]]" | int %} {%- set attr = "[[attribute]]"
          -%} {%- set sport = "[[sport]]" -%}

          {% set games = ['away', 'home'] -%}

          {% if sport == 'NFL' %}
            {%- set div_games = (state_attr(po_schedule, 'entries') |
              selectattr('seriesNumber','eq', snum) |  selectattr('gameNumber','eq',
              gnum) | list)[0] -%}
          {% else -%}
            {% set tmp_games = (state_attr(po_schedule, 'entries') | selectattr('seriesNumber','eq', snum) |
              selectattr('gameNumber','eq', gnum) | list) %}
            {% set last =  (tmp_games | count) - 1 %}
            {% set div_games = tmp_games[last] %}

            {% if div_games['home'] != div_games.home_advantage %}
              {% set games = ['home', 'away'] -%}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}

          {%- if div_games.seriesStatus == 'Final' -%}
              {%- set ns.winner = div_games.winner -%}
          {% endif -%}

          {% for team in games %}
            {%- set tday = as_local(now() ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') %}
            {%- set time_now = as_local(now() ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') %}
            {%- set game_day = -%}
            {%- set game_time = div_games.gm_dte -%}
            {%- set team_name = div_games[team] -%}
            {%- set sense_nm = 'sensor.' + team_name | lower | replace(' ','_') -%}
            {%- set ns.logo = (state_attr(po_teams, attr) | selectattr('','eq', team_name) |
              map(attribute='team.logo') | list)[0] -%}

            {%- if team_name == ns.winner -%}
              {%- set ns.tmpl = 'game_winner_btn' -%}
            {%- elif team_name == 'TBD' -%}
              {%- set sense_nm = po_teams -%}
              {%- set ns.logo = '/local/icons/sports/nfl.svg' %}
              {%- set ns.tmpl = 'nostat_btn' -%}
            {%- elif tday > game_day -%}
              {%- set ns.tmpl = 'nostat_btn' -%}
            {%- elif game_time < time_now -%}
              {%- set ns.tmpl = 'playing_btn' -%}
            {% else %}
            {%- endif -%}

            {%- set ns.results = ns.results + [{
                "type": "custom:button-card",
                "name": team_name,
                "entity": sense_nm,
                "layout": "name_state",
                "show_entity_picture": true,
                "entity_picture": ns.logo,
                "template": ns.tmpl,
          {%- endfor -%} {{ ns.results }}
      type: custom:auto-entities
      unique: true
      show_empty: true
        type: custom:stack-in-card
        mode: vertical
      card_param: cards
        template: >
          {% set ns = namespace(results=[], winner='', logo='', tmpl= '',
            name_info='', game_info='', tv_tmpl= '',dt_tm='', tv='TBD',
            weather='', odds='', winner_txt='',score_txt='',teams_txt='',
            wip_txt='') -%}
          {%- set po_schedule = "[[playoff_schedule]]" -%}  {%- set tv_schedule
          = "[[tv_schedule]]" -%}

          {%- set gnum = "[[game_num]]" | int %}  {%- set snum =
          "[[series_num]]" | int %}           {%- set po_teams =
          "[[playoff_teams]]" -%} {%- set sport = "[[sport]]" -%}

          {%- set tv_games = state_attr(tv_schedule, 'entries') | list -%}

          {% if sport == 'NFL' %}
            {%- set div_games = (state_attr(po_schedule, 'entries') |
              selectattr('seriesNumber','eq', snum) |  selectattr('gameNumber','eq',
              gnum) | list)[0] -%}
          {% else -%}
            {% set tmp_games = (state_attr(po_schedule, 'entries') | selectattr('seriesNumber','eq', snum) |
              selectattr('gameNumber','eq', gnum) | list) %}
            {% set last =  (tmp_games | count) - 1 %}
            {% set div_games = tmp_games[last] %}
          {% endif %}

          {%- if div_games.seriesStatus == 'Final' -%}
              {%- set ns.winner = div_games.winner -%}
          {% endif -%}

          {%- set home_team = div_games.home -%}  {%- set away_team =
          div_games.away -%} {%- set tdaytm = as_local(now()
          ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') %} {%- set tday = as_local(now()
          ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') %}

          {%- if sport == 'NFL' -%}
            {%- set ns.winner_txt = "<span style='color: cyan; font-weight: bold;font-size:20px;'>{win}</span>" -%}
            {%- set ns.score_txt = "<br />Score: <span style='color: cyan; font-weight: bold;font-size:20px;'>{ascore}</span> vs <span style='color: cyan; font-weight: bold;font-size:20px;'>{home_score}</span>" -%}
            {%- set ns.teams_txt = "<span style='color: cyan; font-weight: bold;font-size:20px;'>{ateam} vs {hteam}</span>" -%}
            {%- set ns.wip_txt = "<span style='color: cyan; font-weight: bold;font-size:20px;'>{arec}</span>&nbsp;&nbsp; Regular Season &nbsp;&nbsp;<span style='color: cyan; font-weight: bold;font-size:20px;'>{hrec}</span><br />" -%}

            {%- if ns.winner == home_team or ns.winner == away_team -%}
              {%- set away_score = (div_games.away_score | string) -%}
              {%- set home_score = (div_games.home_score | string) -%}
              {%- set ns.name_info = ns.winner_txt.format(win=ns.winner) -%}
              {%- set ns.game_info = ns.score_txt.format(ascore=away_score, home_score=home_score) -%}
              {%- set ns.tmpl = "final_score_btn" -%}
            {%- elif home_team == 'TBD' and away_team == 'TBD' -%}
              {%- set ns.tmpl = "tbd_btn" -%}
            {%- elif home_team == 'TBD' or away_team == 'TBD' -%}
              {%- if home_team != 'TBD' -%}
                {%- set home_rec = (state_attr(po_teams, 'entries') |
                  selectattr('','eq', home_team) | map(attribute='team.home_rec') | list)[0] -%}
                {%- set away_rec = 'TBD' -%}
              {% endif -%}
              {%- if away_team != 'TBD' -%}
                {%- set away_rec = (state_attr(po_teams, 'entries') |
                  selectattr('','eq', away_team) | map(attribute='team.away_rec') | list)[0] -%}
                {%- set home_rec = 'TBD' -%}
              {% endif -%}

              {%- set ns.name_info = ns.teams_txt.format(ateam=away_team, hteam=home_team) -%}
              {%- set ns.game_info = ns.wip_txt.format(arec=away_rec,hrec=home_rec) -%}
              {%- set ns.tmpl = "tbd_btn" -%}
            {%- else -%}
              {%- set game_time = div_games.gm_dte -%}
              {%- set away_score = (div_games.away_score | string) -%}
              {%- set home_score = (div_games.home_score | string) -%}
              {%- set home_rec = (state_attr(po_teams, 'entries') |
                selectattr('','eq', home_team) | map(attribute='team.home_rec') | list)[0] -%}
              {%- set away_rec = (state_attr(po_teams, 'entries') |
                selectattr('','eq', away_team) | map(attribute='team.away_rec') | list)[0] -%}
              {%- set ns.name_info = ns.wip_txt.format(arec=away_rec,hrec=home_rec) -%}

              {% if (tday == and (game_time < tdaytm) -%}
                {% set ns.tmpl = "live_btn" -%}
                {%- set away_id = 'sensor.' + away_team | lower | replace(' ','_') -%}
                {%- set home_id = 'sensor.' + home_team | lower | replace(' ','_') -%}
                {%- set away_score = state_attr(away_id, 'team_score') -%}
                {%- set home_score = state_attr(home_id, 'team_score') -%}
                {%- set ns.game_info = ns.score_txt.format(ascore=away_score, home_score=home_score) -%}
              {%- else -%}
                {%- set ns.tmpl = "wip_btn" -%}
              {%- endif -%}
            {%- endif -%}
          {%- else -%}
            {%- set game_time = div_games.gm_dte -%}
            {%- set ns.winner_txt = "<span style='color: cyan; font-weight: bold;font-size:20px;'>{win}</span>" -%}
            {%- set ns.win_games_txt = "<br /><span style='color: cyan; font-weight: bold;font-size:20px;'>{agames}</span>&nbsp;&nbsp; games to &nbsp;&nbsp;<span style='color: cyan; font-weight: bold;font-size:20px;'>{hgames}</span>" -%}
            {%- set ns.score_txt = "<br />Live Score: <span style='color: cyan; font-weight: bold;font-size:20px;'>{ascore}</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style='color: yellow; font-weight: bold;font-size:20px;'>Live</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style='color: cyan; font-weight: bold;font-size:20px;'>{home_score}</span>" -%}
            {%- set ns.wip_txt = "<span style='color: cyan; font-weight: bold;font-size:20px;'>{arec}</span>&nbsp;&nbsp; Regular Season &nbsp;&nbsp;<span style='color: cyan; font-weight: bold;font-size:20px;'>{hrec}</span><br />" -%}

            {%- set ns.teams_txt = "<span style='color: cyan; font-weight: bold;font-size:20px;'>{ateam} vs {hteam}</span>" -%}

            {%- set away_score = (div_games.away_score | string) -%}
            {%- set home_score = (div_games.home_score | string) -%}
            {%- set home_rec = (state_attr(po_teams, 'entries') |
              selectattr('','eq', home_team) | map(attribute='team.home_rec') | list)[0] -%}
            {%- set away_rec = (state_attr(po_teams, 'entries') |
              selectattr('','eq', away_team) | map(attribute='team.away_rec') | list)[0] -%}
            {%- set ns.name_info = ns.wip_txt.format(arec=away_rec,hrec=home_rec) -%}
            {%- set away_wins = (div_games.away_wins | string) -%}
            {%- set home_wins = (div_games.home_wins | string) -%}
            {%- set ns.game_info = ns.win_games_txt.format(agames=away_wins, hgames=home_wins) -%}

            {%- if ns.winner != '' -%}
              {%- set ns.name_info = ns.winner_txt.format(win=ns.winner) -%}
              {%- set ns.tmpl = "final_score_btn" -%}
            {%- else -%}
              {% if (tday == and (game_time < tdaytm) -%}
                {% set ns.tmpl = "live_btn" -%}
                {%- set away_id = 'sensor.' + away_team | lower | replace(' ','_') -%}
                {%- set home_id = 'sensor.' + home_team | lower | replace(' ','_') -%}
                {%- set away_score = state_attr(away_id, 'team_score') -%}
                {%- set home_score = state_attr(home_id, 'team_score') -%}
                {%- set ns.game_info = ns.game_info + ns.score_txt.format(ascore=away_score, home_score=home_score) -%}
              {%- else -%}
                {%- set ns.tmpl = "wip_btn" -%}
              {%- endif -%}
            {%- endif -%}
          {%- endif -%}

          {%- if ns.tmpl == 'tbd_btn' -%}
            {%- set ns.results = ns.results + [{
                "type": "custom:button-card",
                "layout": "name_state",
                "label": ns.game_info,
                "template": ns.tmpl,
          {%- elif ns.tmpl == 'wip_btn' -%}
            {%- set ns.results = ns.results + [{
                "type": "custom:button-card",
                "layout": "name_state",
                "name": ns.name_info,
                "label": ns.game_info,
                "template": ns.tmpl,
          {%- else -%}
            {%- set ns.results = ns.results + [{
                "type": "custom:button-card",
                "layout": "name_state",
                "name": ns.name_info,
                "label": ns.game_info,
                "template": ns.tmpl,
          {%- endif -%}

          {%- if ns.winner == '' -%}
            {%- set tv_txt = "<span style='color: cyan; font-weight: bold;font-size:20px;'>{tv} {dte}</span><br /><br />" -%}
            {%- set odds_txt = "<span style='color: cyan; font-weight: bold;font-size:16px;'>{odds}</span><br /><br />" -%}
            {%- set weather_txt = "<span style='color: orange; font-weight: bold; font-size:18px;'>Forecast: {weather}</span>" -%}
            {%- set game_time = div_games.gm_dte -%}

            {% if (tday == and (game_time < tdaytm) -%}
              {%- set ns.tmpl = "live_tv_btn" -%}
            {%- else -%}
              {%- set ns.tmpl = "tv_btn" -%}
            {%- endif -%}

            {%- set ns.dt_tm = " on " + div_games.dte -%}

            {% if div_games is search(home_team) -%}
              {%- set ns.odds = odds_txt.format(odds=div_games.odds) -%}
              {%- set = weather_txt.format( -%}
            {%- endif -%}

            {% if tv_games is search(home_team) -%}
              {% set tmp_tv = (tv_games | selectattr('home','eq', home_team) |
                selectattr('gm_dte','eq', game_time) | map(attribute='tv') | list)[0] -%}
              {%- if tmp_tv is defined -%}
                {%- if tmp_tv is list -%}
                  {%- if tmp_tv | count != 0 -%}
                    {%- set = tmp_tv[0] -%}
                  {%- endif -%}
                {%- else -%}
                  {%- set = tmp_tv -%}
                {%- endif -%}
              {%- endif -%}
            {%- endif -%}

            {%- set tv_name = tv_txt.format(,dte=ns.dt_tm) -%}
            {%- set tv_label = ns.odds + -%}

            {%- set ns.results = ns.results + [{
                "type": "custom:button-card",
                "layout": "name_state",
                "name": tv_name,
                "label": tv_label,
                "template": ns.tmpl,
          {%- endif -%} {{ ns.results }}

Part 1 of 4


NFL - Groups

  name: nfl_teams
    - sensor.arizona_cardinals
    - sensor.atlanta_falcons
    - sensor.baltimore_ravens
    - sensor.buffalo_bills
    - sensor.carolina_panthers
    - sensor.chicago_bears
    - sensor.cincinnati_bengals
    - sensor.cleveland_browns
    - sensor.dallas_cowboys
    - sensor.denver_broncos
    - sensor.detroit_lions
    - sensor.green_bay_packers
    - sensor.houston_texans
    - sensor.indianapolis_colts
    - sensor.jacksonville_jaguars
    - sensor.kansas_city_chiefs
    - sensor.las_vegas_raiders
    - sensor.los_angeles_chargers
    - sensor.los_angeles_rams
    - sensor.miami_dolphins
    - sensor.minnesota_vikings
    - sensor.new_england_patriots
    - sensor.new_orleans_saints
    - sensor.new_york_giants
    - sensor.new_york_jets
    - sensor.philadelphia_eagles
    - sensor.pittsburg_steelers
    - sensor.san_francisco_49ers
    - sensor.seattle_seahawks
    - sensor.tampa_bay_buccaneers
    - sensor.tennessee_titans
    - sensor.washington_commanders

  name: nfl_al_teams
    - sensor.baltimore_ravens
    - sensor.buffalo_bills
    - sensor.cincinnati_bengals
    - sensor.cleveland_browns
    - sensor.denver_broncos
    - sensor.houston_texans
    - sensor.indianapolis_colts
    - sensor.jacksonville_jaguars
    - sensor.kansas_city_chiefs
    - sensor.las_vegas_raiders
    - sensor.los_angeles_chargers
    - sensor.miami_dolphins
    - sensor.new_england_patriots
    - sensor.new_york_jets
    - sensor.pittsburg_steelers
    - sensor.tennessee_titans

  name: nfl_nl_teams
    - sensor.arizona_cardinals
    - sensor.atlanta_falcons
    - sensor.carolina_panthers
    - sensor.chicago_bears
    - sensor.dallas_cowboys
    - sensor.detroit_lions
    - sensor.green_bay_packers
    - sensor.los_angeles_rams
    - sensor.minnesota_vikings
    - sensor.new_orleans_saints
    - sensor.new_york_giants
    - sensor.philadelphia_eagles
    - sensor.san_francisco_49ers
    - sensor.seattle_seahawks
    - sensor.tampa_bay_buccaneers
    - sensor.washington_commanders

NFL - REST sensors

## Wildcards
- resource:
  # every 10 hours
  scan_interval: 36000
    - name: "NFL Wildcard"
      unique_id: nfl_wildcard
      icon: mdi:baseball
        - children
        - overall
      value_template: "{{ now() }}"

## Playoff Standings
- resource:,points:desc,gamesplayed:asc,rotwins:desc&seasontype=2
  # every 10 hours
  scan_interval: 36000
    - name: "NFL PO Standings"
      unique_id: nfl_po_standings
      icon: mdi:football
        - children
        - overall
      value_template: "{{ now() }}"
## Playoff Standings- Postseason
- resource_template: "{{ now().year }}"
  # every 10 hours
  scan_interval: 36000
    - name: "NFL Standings Postseason"
      unique_id: nfl_standings_postseason
        - leagues
        - events
      value_template: "{{ now() }}"

## Schedule
- resource:
  # every 24 hours
  scan_interval: 86400
    - name: "NFL Schedule"
      unique_id: nfl_schedule
      icon: mdi:football
        - events
      value_template: "{{ now() }}"

NFL - Template Sensors

### TV Coverage
- sensor:
    - name: NFL PO TV Coverage
      unique_id: nfl_po_tv_coverage
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:baseball
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(results=[], tv_channels=[], game_ctr=0, ctr=0, home='', away='') -%}
          {%- set po_tv = state_attr("sensor.nfl_schedule", 'events') | list %}
          {% for po_tv_sched in po_tv %}
            {%- set ns.tv_channels = [] -%}
            {% for game in po_tv_sched['competitions'] %}
              {% set gm_dte = as_local(as_datetime(game.startDate)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') %}
              {% set game_dte =  as_local(as_datetime(game.startDate)).strftime('%b %d') %}
              {% set game_time =  as_local(as_datetime(game.startDate)).strftime('%I:%M %p') %}
              {% for channel in game['broadcasts'] %}
                {%- set ns.tv_channels = ns.tv_channels + [channel.names[0]] -%}
              {% endfor -%}

              {%- set ns.ctr = 0 %}
              {% for team in game['competitors'] %}
                {%- if team.homeAway == 'home' %}
                  {%- set ns.home = %}
                {% else -%}
                  {%- set ns.away = %}
                {% endif -%}

                {%- if ns.ctr == 1 %}
                  {% set ns.results = ns.results + [{'date': game_dte, 'time': game_time, 'home': ns.home, 'away': ns.away, 'tv': ns.tv_channels, 'gm_dte': gm_dte}] %}
                {% endif -%}
                {%- set ns.ctr = ns.ctr + 1 %}
              {% endfor -%}
            {%- set ns.game_ctr = ns.game_ctr + 1 %}
            {%- endfor -%}
          {%- endfor -%}
          {{ ns.results }}

### National Football League
### Obtain Playoff Seeds, Playoff Games by League, and Teams by "Bracket" (WildCard, Division, League, "World")

### Wildcards - Used in Playoffs Tab to Forecast until the Playoff season starts
- sensor:
    - name: NFL Wildcard Standings
      unique_id: sensor.nfl_wildcard_standings
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        nfl_afc_east_top: "{{ state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[0]['standings']['entries'][:1] }}"
        nfl_afc_north_top: "{{ state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'][:1] }}"
        nfl_afc_south_top: "{{ state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][2]['standings']['entries'][:1] }}"
        nfl_afc_west_top: "{{ state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][3]['standings']['entries'][:1] }}"
        nfl_afc_wc: >
          {% set afc_east_top = state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set afc_north_top = state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set afc_south_top = state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][2]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set afc_west_top = state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][3]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set afc_east_name = afc_east_top[:1][0].team.displayName %}
          {% set afc_north_name = afc_north_top[:1][0].team.displayName %}
          {% set afc_south_name = afc_south_top[:1][0].team.displayName %}
          {% set afc_west_name = afc_west_top[:1][0].team.displayName %}
          {% set amer_all = state_attr('sensor.nfl_wildcard','children')[0]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set afc_wc = amer_all |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', afc_east_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', afc_north_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', afc_south_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', afc_west_name) | list  %}
          {{ afc_wc[:3] }}
        nfl_afc_hunt: >
          {% set afc_east_top = state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set afc_north_top = state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set afc_south_top = state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][2]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set afc_west_top = state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][3]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set afc_east_name = afc_east_top[:1][0].team.displayName %}
          {% set afc_north_name = afc_north_top[:1][0].team.displayName %}
          {% set afc_south_name = afc_south_top[:1][0].team.displayName %}
          {% set afc_west_name = afc_west_top[:1][0].team.displayName %}
          {% set amer_all = state_attr('sensor.nfl_wildcard','children')[0]['standings']['entries'] %}

          {% set amer_wc = amer_all |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', afc_east_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', afc_north_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', afc_south_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', afc_west_name) | list  %}
          {% set wc = amer_wc[:3] %}
          {% set wc_east_one_name = wc[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set wc_east_two_name = wc[1].team.displayName %}
          {% set wc_east_three_name = wc[2].team.displayName %}
          {% set amer_hunt = amer_all |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', afc_east_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', afc_north_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', afc_south_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', afc_west_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', wc_east_one_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', wc_east_two_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', wc_east_three_name) | list  %}
          {{ amer_hunt[:2] }}
        nfl_afc_eliminated: >
          {%- set wc_teams = state_attr('sensor.nfl_wildcard','children')[0]['standings']['entries'] |
              sort(attribute="stats.playoffSeed") -%}
          {{ wc_teams[9:] }}
        nfl_nfc_east_top: "{{ state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'][:1] }}"
        nfl_nfc_north_top: "{{ state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'][:1] }}"
        nfl_nfc_south_top: "{{ state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][2]['standings']['entries'][:1] }}"
        nfl_nfc_west_top: "{{ state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][3]['standings']['entries'][:1] }}"
        nfl_nfc_wc: >
          {% set nfc_east_top = state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set nfc_north_top = state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set nfc_south_top = state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][2]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set nfc_west_top = state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][3]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set nfc_east_name = nfc_east_top[:1][0].team.displayName %}
          {% set nfc_north_name = nfc_north_top[:1][0].team.displayName %}
          {% set nfc_south_name = nfc_south_top[:1][0].team.displayName %}
          {% set nfc_west_name = nfc_west_top[:1][0].team.displayName %}
          {% set amer_all = state_attr('sensor.nfl_wildcard','children')[1]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set nfc_wc = amer_all |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', nfc_east_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', nfc_north_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', nfc_south_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', nfc_west_name) | list  %}
          {{ nfc_wc[:3] }}
        nfl_nfc_hunt: >
          {% set nfc_east_top = state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set nfc_north_top = state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set nfc_south_top = state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][2]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set nfc_west_top = state_attr('sensor.nfl_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][3]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set nfc_east_name = nfc_east_top[:1][0].team.displayName %}
          {% set nfc_north_name = nfc_north_top[:1][0].team.displayName %}
          {% set nfc_south_name = nfc_south_top[:1][0].team.displayName %}
          {% set nfc_west_name = nfc_west_top[:1][0].team.displayName %}
          {% set amer_all = state_attr('sensor.nfl_wildcard','children')[1]['standings']['entries'] %}

          {% set amer_wc = amer_all |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', nfc_east_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', nfc_north_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', nfc_south_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', nfc_west_name) | list  %}
          {% set wc = amer_wc[:3] %}
          {% set wc_east_one_name = wc[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set wc_east_two_name = wc[1].team.displayName %}
          {% set wc_east_three_name = wc[2].team.displayName %}
          {% set amer_hunt = amer_all |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', nfc_east_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', nfc_north_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', nfc_south_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', nfc_west_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', wc_east_one_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', wc_east_two_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', wc_east_three_name) | list  %}
          {{ amer_hunt[:2] }}
        nfl_nfc_eliminated: >
          {%- set wc_teams = state_attr('sensor.nfl_wildcard','children')[1]['standings']['entries'] |
              sort(attribute="stats.playoffSeed") -%}
          {{ wc_teams[9:] }}
        entries: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(ateams=[],nteams=[],afce_team=[],nfce_team=[],results=[]) -%}
          {%- set elim_def = 'Eliminated from Playoff Contention' -%}
          {%- set al_dict = {'league':'AL'} -%}
          {%- set nl_dict = {'league':'NL'} -%}

          {%- set ns.ateams = ns.ateams + state_attr('sensor.nfl_standings','children')[0]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'] -%}
          {%- set ns.ateams = ns.ateams + state_attr('sensor.nfl_standings','children')[0]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'] -%}
          {%- set ns.ateams = ns.ateams + state_attr('sensor.nfl_standings','children')[0]['children'][2]['standings']['entries'] -%}
          {%- set ns.ateams = ns.ateams + state_attr('sensor.nfl_standings','children')[0]['children'][3]['standings']['entries'] -%}

          {% set ns.nteams = ns.nteams + state_attr('sensor.nfl_standings','children')[1]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set ns.nteams = ns.nteams + state_attr('sensor.nfl_standings','children')[1]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set ns.nteams = ns.nteams + state_attr('sensor.nfl_standings','children')[1]['children'][2]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set ns.nteams = ns.nteams + state_attr('sensor.nfl_standings','children')[1]['children'][3]['standings']['entries'] %}

          {%- for team in ns.ateams -%}
            {%- set po_stat = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','clincher') | map(attribute='description') | list -%}
            {%- if po_stat[0] != elim_def -%}
              {%- set rec_dict = dict(team.items(), **al_dict) -%}
              {%- set ns.afce_team = ns.afce_team + [rec_dict] -%}
            {%- endif -%}
          {%- endfor -%}

          {%- for team in ns.nteams -%}
            {%- set po_stat = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','clincher') | map(attribute='description') | list -%}
            {%- if po_stat[0] != elim_def -%}
              {%- set rec_dict = dict(team.items(), **nl_dict) -%}
              {%- set ns.nfce_team = ns.nfce_team + [rec_dict] -%}
            {%- endif %}
          {%- endfor %}
          {%- set tmp_teams = ns.afce_team + ns.nfce_team -%}
          {{ tmp_teams }}

# ###
# ### Playoffs Seeds
# ###
- sensor:
    - name: NFL Playoff Seeds
      unique_id: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(results=[], tmp_recs=[]) -%}
          {%- for team in state_attr('sensor.nfl_wildcard_standings', 'entries') -%}
            {%- set position = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','clincher') | map(attribute='description') | list -%}
            {%- set home_rec = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','Home') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list -%}
            {%- set away_rec = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','Road') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list -%}
            {%- set seed_val = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','playoffSeed') | map(attribute='value') | list -%}
            {%- set seed = seed_val[0] | int  -%}
            {%- set logo =[0].href -%}
            {%- set ns.results = ns.results + [{ 'team': {'name':, 'league':team.league, 'seed': seed,
              'po_status': position[0],'home_rec': home_rec[0], 'away_rec': away_rec[0],'logo': logo}}] -%}
          {%- endfor -%}
          {%- set ns.tmp_recs = ns.results | sort(attribute='team.league,team.seed') -%}
          {{ ns.tmp_recs }}
        po_amer_wc_seeds: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(results=[], amer_result=[], ctr=0) -%}
          {%- for team in state_attr('sensor.nfl_wildcard_standings', 'entries') | selectattr('league','eq','AL') | list -%}
            {%- set position = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','clincher') | map(attribute='description') | list -%}
            {%- set home_rec = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','Home') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list -%}
            {%- set away_rec = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','Road') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list -%}
            {%- set seed_val = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','playoffSeed') | map(attribute='value') | list -%}
            {%- set seed = seed_val[0] | int  -%}
            {%- set logo =[0].href -%}
            {%- set ns.results = ns.results + [{ 'team': {'name':, 'league': team.league,
              'seed': seed, 'po_status': position[0], 'home_rec': home_rec[0], 'away_rec': away_rec[0],
              'logo': logo}}] -%}
          {%- endfor -%}
          {% set ns.amer_result = ns.results | sort(attribute='team.seed') %}
          {{ ns.amer_result }}
        po_natl_wc_seeds: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(results=[], natl_result=[], ctr=0) -%}
          {%- for team in state_attr('sensor.nfl_wildcard_standings', 'entries') | selectattr('league','eq','NL') | list -%}
            {%- set position = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','clincher') | map(attribute='description') | list -%}
            {%- set home_rec = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','Home') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list -%}
            {%- set away_rec = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','Road') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list -%}
            {%- set seed_val = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','playoffSeed') | map(attribute='value') | list -%}
            {%- set seed = seed_val[0] | int  -%}
            {%- set logo =[0].href -%}
            {%- set ns.results = ns.results + [{ 'team': {'name':, 'league': team.league,
              'seed': seed, 'po_status': position[0], 'home_rec': home_rec[0], 'away_rec': away_rec[0],
              'logo': logo}}] -%}
          {%- endfor -%}
          {% set ns.natl_result = ns.results | sort(attribute='team.seed') %}
          {{ ns.natl_result }}

### Playoffs - Games
- sensor:
    - name: NFL PO Games
      unique_id: sensor.nfl_po_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:football
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(results=[],sorted=[],gtype='',leag='',agctr=1,nlctr=1,gctr=1,ser_gm=1,tv='',weather='',odds='',hscore=0,ascore=0,winner='') -%}
          {%- set po_schedule = state_attr("sensor.nfl_standings_postseason", 'events') -%}
          {%- set po_sched_teams = po_schedule | selectattr('season.slug','eq','post-season') | sort(attribute='date') | list -%}
          {%- set tday = as_local(now()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') -%}
          {%- set seeds = 'sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds' -%}
          {%- set al_teams =  expand('group.nfl_al_teams') | map(attribute='attributes.friendly_name') | list -%}
          {%- set nl_teams =  expand('group.nfl_nl_teams') | map(attribute='attributes.friendly_name') | list -%}
          {%- set tmp_teams = ['TBD','AFC','NFC'] -%}

          {% for evt in po_sched_teams -%}
            {% if evt.competitions[0].notes[0].headline is search('Pro Bowl') %}
              {%- continue -%}
            {%- else -%}
              {%- set game_dte = '{}'.format(evt.competitions[0].date) | as_datetime | as_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%b %d at %I:%M %p') -%}
              {%- set game_day = as_local(as_datetime(evt.competitions[0].date)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') -%}
              {%- set gm_dte = as_local(as_datetime(evt.competitions[0].date)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') -%}
              {% if evt.competitions[0].notes[0].headline is search('Super Bowl') %}
                {%- set ns.gtype = 'Super Bowl' -%}
                {%- set ns.series = 4 -%}
              {%- elif evt.competitions[0].notes[0].headline is search('Championship') -%}
                {%- set ns.gtype = 'Championship' -%}
                {%- set ns.series = 3 -%}
              {%- elif evt.competitions[0].notes[0].headline is search('Divisional Playoffs') -%}
                {%- set ns.gtype = 'Divisional Playoffs' -%}
                {%- set ns.series = 2 -%}
              {%- else -%}
                {%- set ns.gtype = 'Wild Card' -%}
                {%- set ns.series = 1 -%}
              {%- endif -%}

              {% if evt.competitions[0].broadcasts | length != 0 %}
                {%- set = evt.competitions[0].broadcasts[0].names[0] -%}
              {%- else -%}
                {%- set = 'N/A' -%}
              {%- endif -%}

              {%- if game_day == tday %}
                {%- set ns.stat = 'Ongoing' -%}
              {%- elif game_day <= tday %}
                {%- set ns.stat = 'Final' -%}
              {%- else -%}
                {%- set ns.stat = 'Ongoing' -%}
              {% endif %}

              {% if is defined %}
                {%- set = + " " + ( | string) -%}
              {%- else -%}
                {%- set = '' -%}
              {% endif %}

              {% for game in evt.competitions -%}
                {%- if game.odds is defined -%}
                  {%- set ns.odds = game.odds[0] +": "+ game.odds[0].details +" OverUnder: "+ (game.odds[0].overUnder  | string) + " Spread: "+ (game.odds[0].spread | string)-%}
                {%- else -%}
                  {%- set ns.odds = 'N/A' -%}
                {%- endif -%}

                {%- set ns.winner = '' -%}
                {%- for team in game['competitors'] -%}
                    {%- set team_name = -%}
                    {%- if team.homeAway == 'home' -%}
                      {%- if team_name in tmp_teams -%}
                        {%- set ns.home = 'TBD' -%}
                      {%- else -%}
                        {% set ns.home = team_name -%}

                        {%- if ns.stat == 'Final' and team.score is defined -%}
                          {%- set ns.hscore = team.score | int -%}
                        {%- else -%}
                          {%- set ns.hscore = 0 -%}
                        {%- endif -%}
                      {%- endif -%}
                    {%- else -%}
                      {%- if team_name in tmp_teams -%}
                        {%- set ns.away = 'TBD' -%}
                      {%- else -%}
                        {%- set ns.away = team_name -%}

                        {%- if ns.stat == 'Final' and team.score is defined -%}
                          {%- set ns.ascore = team.score | int -%}
                        {%- else -%}
                          {%- set ns.ascore = 0 -%}
                        {%- endif -%}
                      {%- endif -%}
                    {%- endif -%}

                    {%- if team_name in tmp_teams and evt.competitions[0].notes[0].headline is search('AFC Championship') %}
                        {%- set ns.leag = 'AL' -%}
                    {% elif  team_name in tmp_teams and evt.competitions[0].notes[0].headline is search('NFC Championship') %}
                        {%- set ns.leag = 'NL' -%}
                    {%- else -%}
                      {%- if team_name in al_teams -%}
                        {%- set ns.leag = 'AL' -%}
                      {%- elif team_name in nl_teams -%}
                        {%- set ns.leag = 'NL' -%}
                      {%- else -%}
                        {%- continue -%}
                      {%- endif -%}
                    {%- endif -%}
                {% endfor -%}

                {%- if ns.stat == 'Final' -%}
                  {%- if ns.hscore > ns.ascore -%}
                    {%- set ns.winner = ns.home -%}
                    {%- set ns.loser = ns.away -%}
                  {%- else -%}
                    {%- set ns.winner = ns.away -%}
                    {%- set ns.loser = ns.home -%}
                  {%- endif -%}
                {%- else -%}
                  {%- set ns.winner = '' -%}
                  {%- set ns.loser = '' -%}
                {%- endif -%}

                {%- if ns.leag == 'AL' -%}
                  {%- set ns.gctr = ns.agctr -%}
                  {%- set ns.agctr = ns.agctr + 1 -%}
                {%- elif ns.leag == 'NL' -%}
                  {%- set ns.gctr = ns.nlctr -%}
                  {%- set ns.nlctr = ns.nlctr + 1 -%}
                {%- else -%}
                  {%- continue -%}
                {%- endif -%}

                {%- set ns.results = ns.results + [{'date': game_day,'dte': game_dte,'Game': ns.gtype,'seriesStatus': ns.stat,'league': ns.leag,
                  'gm_dte': gm_dte, 'winner': ns.winner,'loser': ns.loser,'home': ns.home,'away': ns.away,'home_score': ns.hscore,'away_score': ns.ascore,
                  'seriesNumber': ns.series, 'gameNumber': ns.gctr, 'gamesInSeries': "1", 'seriesGameNumber':"1",'odds':ns.odds,'weather'}] -%}
              {%- endfor -%}
            {%- endif -%}
          {% endfor -%}
          {{ ns.results }}

- sensor:
    - name: NFL PO Amer Games
      unique_id: sensor.nfl_po_amer_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:football
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_schedule = state_attr("sensor.nfl_po_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set po_sched_teams = po_schedule | selectattr('league','eq','AL') | list -%}
          {{ po_sched_teams }}

- sensor:
    - name: NFL PO Natl Games
      unique_id: sensor.nfl_po_natl_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:football
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_schedule = state_attr("sensor.nfl_po_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set po_sched_teams = po_schedule | selectattr('league','eq','NL') | list -%}
          {{ po_sched_teams }}

### Playoffs - Wildcard Games
- sensor:
    - name: NFL PO Amer WC Games
      unique_id: sensor.nfl_po_amer_wc_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:baseball
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_schedule = state_attr("sensor.nfl_po_amer_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set po_sched_teams = po_schedule | selectattr('league','eq','AL') | list -%}
          {{ po_sched_teams }}

- sensor:
    - name: NFL PO Natl WC Games
      unique_id: sensor.nfl_po_natl_wc_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:baseball
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_schedule = state_attr("sensor.nfl_po_natl_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set po_sched_teams = po_schedule | selectattr('league','eq','NL') | list -%}
          {{ po_sched_teams }}

### Playoffs - Division Games
- sensor:
    - name: NFL PO Amer Div Games
      unique_id: sensor.nfl_po_amer_div_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:football
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_sched_teams = state_attr("sensor.nfl_po_amer_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set results = po_sched_teams | selectattr('Game','eq', 'Divisional Playoffs') | list %}
          {{ results }}

- sensor:
    - name: NFL PO Natl Div Games
      unique_id: sensor.nfl_po_natl_div_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:football
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_sched_teams = state_attr("sensor.nfl_po_natl_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set results = po_sched_teams | selectattr('Game','eq', 'Divisional Playoffs') | list %}
          {{ results }}

### Playoffs - League Games
- sensor:
    - name: NFL PO Amer Leag Games
      unique_id: nfl_po_amer_leag_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:football
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_sched_teams = state_attr("sensor.nfl_po_amer_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set results = po_sched_teams | selectattr('Game','eq', 'Championship') | list %}
          {{ results }}

- sensor:
    - name: NFL PO Natl Leag Games
      unique_id: nfl_po_natl_leag_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:football
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_sched_teams = state_attr("sensor.nfl_po_natl_games" , 'entries') -%}
          {%- set results = po_sched_teams | selectattr('Game','eq', 'Championship') | list %}
          {{ results }}

### Playoffs - World Game
- sensor:
    - name: NFL PO World Game
      unique_id: nfl_po_world_game
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:football
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_sched_teams = state_attr("sensor.nfl_po_games" , 'entries') -%}
          {%- set results = po_sched_teams | selectattr('Game','eq', 'Super Bowl') | list %}
          {{ results }}

Part 2.1 of 4 (dashboard would not fit)

NFL - Dashboard Code

type: custom:layout-card
layout_type: grid
    grid-template-columns: 25% 25% 25% 25%
    grid-template-rows: auto
    grid-template-areas: |
    "col1 col2 col3 col4"
    '(max-width: 450px)':
        grid-template-columns: 100%
        grid-template-areas: |
    '(max-width: 1200px)':
        grid-template-columns: 50% 50%
        grid-template-areas: |
        "col1 col2"
        "col3 col4"
    - type: vertical-stack
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_level_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_level: Wild Card
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_league_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_league: American
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_game: 1
        - type: horizontal-stack
            - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
                - sport: NFL
                - league: AL
                - game_num: 1
                - series_num: 1
                - attribute: po_amer_wc_seeds
                - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
                - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_amer_wc_games
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
            - sport: NFL
            - league: AL
            - game_num: 1
            - series_num: 1
            - attribute: po_amer_wc_seeds
            - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
            - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_amer_wc_games
            - tv_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_tv_coverage
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_game: 2
        - type: horizontal-stack
            - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
                - sport: NFL
                - league: AL
                - game_num: 2
                - series_num: 1
                - attribute: po_amer_wc_seeds
                - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
                - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_amer_wc_games
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
            - sport: NFL
            - league: AL
            - game_num: 2
            - series_num: 1
            - attribute: po_amer_wc_seeds
            - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
            - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_amer_wc_games
            - tv_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_tv_coverage
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_game: 3
        - type: horizontal-stack
            - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
                - sport: NFL
                - league: AL
                - game_num: 3
                - series_num: 1
                - attribute: po_amer_wc_seeds
                - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
                - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_amer_wc_games
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
            - sport: NFL
            - league: AL
            - game_num: 3
            - series_num: 1
            - attribute: po_amer_wc_seeds
            - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
            - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_amer_wc_games
            - tv_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_tv_coverage
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_league_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_league: National
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_game: 1
        - type: horizontal-stack
            - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
                - sport: NFL
                - league: NL
                - game_num: 1
                - series_num: 1
                - attribute: po_natl_wc_seeds
                - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
                - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_natl_wc_games
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
            - sport: NFL
            - league: NL
            - game_num: 1
            - series_num: 1
            - attribute: po_natl_wc_seeds
            - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
            - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_natl_wc_games
            - tv_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_tv_coverage
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_game: 2
        - type: horizontal-stack
            - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
                - sport: NFL
                - league: NL
                - game_num: 2
                - series_num: 1
                - attribute: po_natl_wc_seeds
                - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
                - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_natl_wc_games
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
            - sport: NFL
            - league: NL
            - game_num: 2
            - series_num: 1
            - attribute: po_natl_wc_seeds
            - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
            - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_natl_wc_games
            - tv_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_tv_coverage
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_game: 3
        - type: horizontal-stack
            - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
                - sport: NFL
                - league: NL
                - game_num: 3
                - series_num: 1
                - attribute: po_natl_wc_seeds
                - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
                - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_natl_wc_games
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
            - sport: NFL
            - league: NL
            - game_num: 3
            - series_num: 1
            - attribute: po_natl_wc_seeds
            - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
            - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_natl_wc_games
            - tv_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_tv_coverage
        grid-area: col1
        show: always
    - type: vertical-stack
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_level_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_level: Division
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_league_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_league: American
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_game: 1
        - type: horizontal-stack
            - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
                - sport: NFL
                - league: AL
                - game_num: 4
                - series_num: 2
                - attribute: entries
                - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
                - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_amer_div_games
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
            - sport: NFL
            - league: AL
            - game_num: 4
            - series_num: 2
            - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
            - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_amer_div_games
            - tv_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_tv_coverage
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_game: 2
        - type: horizontal-stack
            - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
                - sport: NFL
                - league: AL
                - game_num: 5
                - series_num: 2
                - attribute: entries
                - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
                - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_amer_div_games
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
            - sport: NFL
            - league: AL
            - game_num: 5
            - series_num: 2
            - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
            - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_amer_div_games
            - tv_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_tv_coverage
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_league_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_league: National
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_game: 1
        - type: horizontal-stack
            - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
                - sport: NFL
                - league: NL
                - game_num: 4
                - series_num: 2
                - attribute: entries
                - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
                - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_natl_div_games
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
            - sport: NFL
            - league: NL
            - game_num: 4
            - series_num: 2
            - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
            - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_natl_div_games
            - tv_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_tv_coverage
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_game: 2
        - type: horizontal-stack
            - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
                - sport: NFL
                - league: NL
                - game_num: 5
                - series_num: 2
                - attribute: entries
                - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
                - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_natl_div_games
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
            - sport: NFL
            - league: NL
            - game_num: 5
            - series_num: 2
            - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
            - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_natl_div_games
            - tv_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_tv_coverage
        grid-area: col2
        show: always
    - type: vertical-stack
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_level_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_level: League
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_league_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_league: American
        - type: horizontal-stack
            - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
                - sport: NFL
                - league: AL
                - game_num: 6
                - series_num: 3
                - attribute: entries
                - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
                - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_amer_leag_games
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
            - sport: NFL
            - league: AL
            - game_num: 6
            - series_num: 3
            - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
            - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_amer_leag_games
            - tv_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_tv_coverage
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_league_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_league: National
        - type: horizontal-stack
            - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
                - sport: NFL
                - league: NL
                - game_num: 6
                - series_num: 3
                - attribute: entries
                - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
                - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_natl_leag_games
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
            - sport: NFL
            - league: NL
            - game_num: 6
            - series_num: 3
            - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
            - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_natl_leag_games
            - tv_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_tv_coverage
        grid-area: col3
        show: always
    - type: vertical-stack
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_level_title
            - sport: NFL
            - po_level: Super Bowl
        - type: horizontal-stack
            - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
                - sport: NFL
                - game_num: 7
                - series_num: 4
                - attribute: entries
                - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
                - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_world_game
        - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
            - sport: NFL
            - game_num: 7
            - series_num: 4
            - playoff_teams: sensor.nfl_playoff_seeds
            - playoff_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_world_game
            - tv_schedule: sensor.nfl_po_tv_coverage
        grid-area: col4
        show: always

Part 2.2 of 4

Can’t add MLB right now. The forum software says I need to wait for someone to reply.

Be happy to reply. Send us a picture too. Afterall they are worth 1000 words!

@kbrown01 - I need more replies to post, including the pictures.

NFL Picture (Natl. cutoff in picture for Wildcards and part of Divl)


MLB - Groups

  name: mlb_teams
    - sensor.arizona_diamondbacks
    - sensor.atlanta_braves
    - sensor.baltimore_orioles
    - sensor.boston_red_sox
    - sensor.chicago_cubs
    - sensor.chicago_white_sox
    - sensor.cincinnati_reds
    - sensor.cleveland_guardians
    - sensor.colorado_rockies
    - sensor.detroit_tigers
    - sensor.houston_astros
    - sensor.kansas_city_royals
    - sensor.los_angeles_angels
    - sensor.los_angeles_dodgers
    - sensor.miami_marlins
    - sensor.milwaukee_brewers
    - sensor.minnesota_twins
    - sensor.new_york_mets
    - sensor.new_york_yankees
    - sensor.oakland_athletics
    - sensor.philadelphia_phillies
    - sensor.pittsburgh_pirates
    - sensor.san_diego_padres
    - sensor.san_francisco_giants
    - sensor.seattle_mariners
    - sensor.st_louis_cardinals
    - sensor.tampa_bay_rays
    - sensor.texas_rangers
    - sensor.toronto_blue_jays
    - sensor.washington_nationals

  name: mlb_al_teams
    - sensor.baltimore_orioles
    - sensor.boston_red_sox
    - sensor.chicago_white_sox
    - sensor.cleveland_guardians
    - sensor.detroit_tigers
    - sensor.houston_astros
    - sensor.kansas_city_royals
    - sensor.los_angeles_angels
    - sensor.minnesota_twins
    - sensor.new_york_yankees
    - sensor.oakland_athletics
    - sensor.seattle_mariners
    - sensor.tampa_bay_rays
    - sensor.texas_rangers
    - sensor.toronto_blue_jays

  name: mlb_nl_teams
    - sensor.arizona_diamondbacks
    - sensor.atlanta_braves
    - sensor.chicago_cubs
    - sensor.cincinnati_reds
    - sensor.colorado_rockies
    - sensor.los_angeles_dodgers
    - sensor.miami_marlins
    - sensor.milwaukee_brewers
    - sensor.new_york_mets
    - sensor.philadelphia_phillies
    - sensor.pittsburgh_pirates
    - sensor.san_diego_padres
    - sensor.san_francisco_giants
    - sensor.st_louis_cardinals
    - sensor.washington_nationals

MLB - REST sensors

## Wildcards
- resource:
  # every 10 hours
  scan_interval: 36000
    - name: "MLB Wildcard"
      unique_id: mlb_wildcard
      icon: mdi:baseball
        - children
        - overall
      value_template: "{{ now() }}"

## Playoff Standings
- resource:,points:desc,gamesplayed:asc,rotwins:desc&seasontype=2
  # every 10 hours
  scan_interval: 36000
    - name: "MLB PO Standings"
      unique_id: mlb_po_standings
      icon: mdi:baseball
        - children
        - overall
      value_template: "{{ now() }}"
## Playoff Standings - Postseason
- resource_template: "{{ now().year }}"
  # every 10 hours
  scan_interval: 36000
    - name: "MLB Standings Postseason"
      unique_id: mlb_standings_postseason
        - leagues
        - events
      value_template: "{{ now() }}"

## Schedule
- resource:
  # every 24 hours
  scan_interval: 86400
    - name: "MLB Schedule"
      unique_id: mlb_schedule
        - events
      value_template: "{{ now() }}"

MLB - Template Sensors

### TV Coverage
- sensor:
    - name: MLB PO TV Coverage
      unique_id: mlb_po_tv_coverage
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:baseball
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(results=[], tv_channels=[], game_ctr=0, ctr=0, home='', away='') -%}
          {%- set po_schedule = "sensor.mlb_schedule" -%}
          {%- set po_tv = state_attr(po_schedule, 'events') | list %}

          {% for po_tv_sched in po_tv %}
            {% for game in po_tv_sched['competitions'] %}
              {% set gm_dte = as_local(as_datetime(game.startDate)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') %}
              {% set game_dte =  as_local(as_datetime(game.startDate)).strftime('%b %d') %}
              {% set game_time =  as_local(as_datetime(game.startDate)).strftime('%I:%M %p') %}
              {% for channel in game['broadcasts'] %}
                {%- set ns.tv_channels = ns.tv_channels + [channel.names[0]] -%}
              {% endfor -%}

              {%- set ns.ctr = 0 %}
              {% for team in game['competitors'] %}
                {%- if team.homeAway == 'home' %}
                  {%- set ns.home = %}
                {% else -%}
                  {%- set ns.away = %}
                {% endif -%}

                {%- if ns.ctr == 1 %}
                  {% set ns.results = ns.results + [{'date': game_dte, 'time': game_time, 'home': ns.home,
                  'away': ns.away, 'tv': ns.tv_channels, 'gm_dte': gm_dte}] %}
                {% endif -%}
                {%- set ns.ctr = ns.ctr + 1 %}
              {% endfor -%}
            {%- endfor -%}
          {%- endfor -%}
          {{ ns.results }}

### Major League Baseball
### Obtain Playoff Seeds, Playoff Games by League, and Teams by "Bracket" (WildCard, Division, League, "World")

### Wildcards - Used in Playoffs Tab to Forecast until the Playoff season starts
- sensor:
    - name: MLB Wildcard Standings
      unique_id: sensor.mlb_wildcard_standings
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        mlb_al_east_top: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mlb_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'][:1] }}"
        mlb_al_central_top: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mlb_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'][:1] }}"
        mlb_al_west_top: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mlb_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][2]['standings']['entries'][:1] }}"
        mlb_al_wc: >
          {% set amer_east_top = state_attr('sensor.mlb_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'][:1] %}
          {% set amer_central_top = state_attr('sensor.mlb_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'][:1] %}
          {% set amer_west_top = state_attr('sensor.mlb_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][2]['standings']['entries'][:1] %}
          {% set amer_east_name = amer_east_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set amer_central_name = amer_central_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set amer_west_name = amer_west_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set amer_all = state_attr('sensor.mlb_wildcard','children')[0]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set amer_wc = amer_all |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', amer_east_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', amer_central_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', amer_west_name) | list  %}
          {{ amer_wc[:3] }}
        mlb_al_hunt: >
          {% set amer_east_top = state_attr('sensor.mlb_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'][:1] %}
          {% set amer_central_top = state_attr('sensor.mlb_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'][:1] %}
          {% set amer_west_top = state_attr('sensor.mlb_po_standings','children')[0]['children'][2]['standings']['entries'][:1] %}
          {% set amer_east_name = amer_east_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set amer_central_name = amer_central_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set amer_west_name = amer_west_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set amer_all = state_attr('sensor.mlb_wildcard','children')[0]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set amer_wc = amer_all |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', amer_east_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', amer_central_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', amer_west_name) | list  %}
          {% set wc = amer_wc[:3] %}
          {% set wc_amer_east_name = wc[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set wc_amer_central_name = wc[1].team.displayName %}
          {% set wc_amer_west_name = wc[2].team.displayName %}
          {% set amer_hunt = amer_all |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', amer_east_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', amer_central_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', amer_west_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', wc_amer_east_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', wc_amer_central_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', wc_amer_west_name) | list  %}
          {{ amer_hunt[:2] }}
        mlb_al_eliminated: >
          {% set ns = namespace(eteam=[]) %}
          {%- set wc_teams = state_attr('sensor.mlb_wildcard','children')[0]['standings']['entries'] | sort(attribute="stats.playoffSeed") -%}
          {% for team in wc_teams[8:] %}
            {% for stat in team['stats'] %}
              {% if == 'clincher' %}
                  {% set ns.eteam = ns.eteam + [team] %}
              {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
          {% endfor %}
          {{ ns.eteam }}
        mlb_nl_east_top: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mlb_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'][:1] }}"
        mlb_nl_central_top: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mlb_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'][:1] }}"
        mlb_nl_west_top: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mlb_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][2]['standings']['entries'][:1] }}"
        mlb_nl_wc: >
          {% set natl_east_top = state_attr('sensor.mlb_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'][:1] %}
          {% set natl_central_top = state_attr('sensor.mlb_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'][:1] %}
          {% set natl_west_top = state_attr('sensor.mlb_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][2]['standings']['entries'][:1] %}
          {% set natl_east_name = natl_east_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set natl_central_name = natl_central_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set natl_west_name = natl_west_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set natl_all = state_attr('sensor.mlb_wildcard','children')[1]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set natl_wc = natl_all |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', natl_east_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', natl_central_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', natl_west_name) | list  %}
          {{ natl_wc[:3] }}
        mlb_nl_hunt: >
          {% set natl_east_top = state_attr('sensor.mlb_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'][:1] %}
          {% set natl_central_top = state_attr('sensor.mlb_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'][:1] %}
          {% set natl_west_top = state_attr('sensor.mlb_po_standings','children')[1]['children'][2]['standings']['entries'][:1] %}
          {% set natl_east_name = natl_east_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set natl_central_name = natl_central_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set natl_west_name = natl_west_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set natl_all = state_attr('sensor.mlb_wildcard','children')[1]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set natl_wc = natl_all |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', natl_east_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', natl_central_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', natl_west_name) | list  %}
          {% set wc = natl_wc[:3] %}
          {% set wc_natl_east_name = wc[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set wc_natl_central_name = wc[1].team.displayName %}
          {% set wc_natl_west_name = wc[2].team.displayName %}
          {% set natl_hunt = natl_all |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', natl_east_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', natl_central_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', natl_west_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', wc_natl_east_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', wc_natl_central_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', wc_natl_west_name) | list  %}
          {{ natl_hunt[:2] }}
        mlb_nl_eliminated: >
          {% set ns = namespace(eteam=[]) %}
          {%- set wc_teams = state_attr('sensor.mlb_wildcard','children')[1]['standings']['entries'] | sort(attribute="stats.playoffSeed") -%}
          {% for team in wc_teams[8:] %}
            {% for stat in team['stats'] %}
              {% if == 'clincher' %}
                  {% set ns.eteam = ns.eteam + [team] %}
              {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
          {% endfor %}
          {{ ns.eteam }}
        entries: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(ateams=[],nteams=[],al_team=[],nl_team=[],results=[]) -%}
          {%- set elim_def = 'Eliminated from Playoff Contention' -%}
          {%- set al_dict = {'league':'AL'} -%}
          {%- set nl_dict = {'league':'NL'} -%}
          {%- set ns.ateams = ns.ateams + state_attr('sensor.mlb_standings','children')[0]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'] -%}
          {%- set ns.ateams = ns.ateams + state_attr('sensor.mlb_standings','children')[0]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'] -%}
          {%- set ns.ateams = ns.ateams + state_attr('sensor.mlb_standings','children')[0]['children'][2]['standings']['entries'] -%}
          {% set ns.nteams = ns.nteams + state_attr('sensor.mlb_standings','children')[1]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set ns.nteams = ns.nteams + state_attr('sensor.mlb_standings','children')[1]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set ns.nteams = ns.nteams + state_attr('sensor.mlb_standings','children')[1]['children'][2]['standings']['entries'] %}

          {%- for team in ns.ateams -%}
            {%- set po_stat = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','clincher') | map(attribute='description') | list -%}
            {%- if po_stat[0] != elim_def -%}
              {%- set rec_dict = dict(team.items(), **al_dict) -%}
              {%- set ns.al_team = ns.al_team + [rec_dict] -%}
            {%- endif -%}
          {%- endfor -%}

          {%- for team in ns.nteams -%}
            {%- set po_stat = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','clincher') | map(attribute='description') | list -%}
            {%- if po_stat[0] != elim_def -%}
              {%- set rec_dict = dict(team.items(), **nl_dict) -%}
              {%- set ns.nl_team = ns.nl_team + [rec_dict] -%}
            {%- endif %}
          {%- endfor %}
          {%- set tmp_teams = ns.al_team + ns.nl_team -%}
          {{ tmp_teams }}

### Playoffs Seeds
- sensor:
    - name: MLB Playoff Seeds
      unique_id: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(results=[], tmp_recs=[]) -%}
          {%- set sense = 'sensor.mlb_wildcard_standings' -%}

          {%- for team in state_attr(sense, 'entries') -%}
            {%- set position = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','clincher') | map(attribute='description') | list -%}
            {%- set home_rec = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','Home') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list -%}
            {%- set away_rec = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','Road') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list -%}
            {%- set seed_val = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','playoffSeed') | map(attribute='value') | list -%}
            {%- set seed = seed_val[0] | int  -%}
            {%- set logo =[0].href -%}
            {%- set winPercent = (team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','winPercent') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list)[0] -%}
            {%- set wins = (team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','wins') | map(attribute='value') | list)[0] -%}
            {%- set losses = (team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','losses') | map(attribute='value') | list)[0] -%}
            {%- set ns.results = ns.results + [{ 'team': {'name':, 'league':team.league, 'seed': seed,
              'po_status': position[0],'home_rec': home_rec[0], 'away_rec': away_rec[0], 'wins': wins, 'losses': losses,
              'winPercent':winPercent,'logo': logo}}] -%}
          {%- endfor -%}
          {%- set ns.tmp_recs = ns.results | sort(attribute='team.league,team.seed') -%}
          {{ ns.tmp_recs }}
        po_amer_wc_seeds: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(results=[], amer_result=[], ctr=0) -%}
          {%- set sense = 'sensor.mlb_wildcard_standings' -%}

          {%- for team in state_attr(sense, 'entries') | selectattr('league','eq','AL') | list -%}
            {%- set position = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','clincher') | map(attribute='description') | list -%}
            {%- set home_rec = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','Home') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list -%}
            {%- set away_rec = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','Road') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list -%}
            {%- set seed_val = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','playoffSeed') | map(attribute='value') | list -%}
            {%- set seed = seed_val[0] | int  -%}
            {%- set logo =[0].href -%}
            {%- set winPercent = (team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','winPercent') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list)[0] -%}
            {%- set wins = (team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','wins') | map(attribute='value') | list)[0] -%}
            {%- set losses = (team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','losses') | map(attribute='value') | list)[0] -%}
            {%- set ns.results = ns.results + [{ 'team': {'name':, 'league': team.league,
              'seed': seed, 'po_status': position[0], 'home_rec': home_rec[0], 'away_rec': away_rec[0],
              'logo': logo}}] -%}
          {%- endfor -%}
          {% set ns.amer_result = ns.results | sort(attribute='team.seed') %}
          {{ ns.amer_result }}
        po_natl_wc_seeds: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(results=[], natl_result=[], ctr=0) -%}
          {%- set sense = 'sensor.mlb_wildcard_standings' -%}

          {%- for team in state_attr(sense, 'entries') | selectattr('league','eq','NL') | list -%}
            {%- set position = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','clincher') | map(attribute='description') | list -%}
            {%- set home_rec = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','Home') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list -%}
            {%- set away_rec = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','Road') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list -%}
            {%- set seed_val = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','playoffSeed') | map(attribute='value') | list -%}
            {%- set seed = seed_val[0] | int  -%}
            {%- set logo =[0].href -%}
            {%- set winPercent = (team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','winPercent') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list)[0] -%}
            {%- set wins = (team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','wins') | map(attribute='value') | list)[0] -%}
            {%- set losses = (team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','losses') | map(attribute='value') | list)[0] -%}
            {%- set ns.results = ns.results + [{ 'team': {'name':, 'league': team.league,
              'seed': seed, 'po_status': position[0], 'home_rec': home_rec[0], 'away_rec': away_rec[0],
              'logo': logo}}] -%}
          {%- endfor -%}
          {% set ns.natl_result = ns.results | sort(attribute='team.seed') %}
          {{ ns.natl_result }}

### Playoffs - Games
### Need to set games as there are multiple games in a series
### MLB data does not have a good key to get the data directly
- sensor:
    - name: MLB PO Team Games
      unique_id: sensor.mlb_po_team_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:hockey
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(results=[], game_day='', game_dte = '', gm_dte='', gtype= '', series='',
            seriesStatus='', leag='', gamesInSeries='', gameNumber='', seriesGameNumber='', winner='', loser='',
            home='', away='', home_wins='', home_loss='', away_wins='', away_loss='', home_score='', away_score='',
            odds='', weather='',win_num=0, gm_teams='',teams_chg=0,wc_al=1,wc_nl=1, home_advantage='') -%}
          {%- set po_teams = 'sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds' -%}
          {%- set po_schedule = state_attr("sensor.mlb_standings_postseason_2023", 'events') -%}
          {%- set po_sched_teams = po_schedule | selectattr('season.slug','eq','post-season') |
            sort(attribute='date') | list -%}
          {%- set al_teams =  expand('group.mlb_al_teams') | map(attribute='attributes.friendly_name') |
            list -%}
          {%- set nl_teams =  expand('group.mlb_nl_teams') | map(attribute='attributes.friendly_name') |
            list -%}
          {%- set mlb_teams =  expand('group.mlb_teams') | map(attribute='attributes.friendly_name') | list -%}

          {%- set gamelvlnum = {
            'FINAL': 4,
            'SEMI': 3,
            'QTR': 2,
            'RD16': 1 } -%}

          {%- for evt in po_sched_teams -%}
            {%- set gtype = evt.competitions[0].type.abbreviation -%}
            {%- set ns.series = gamelvlnum.get(gtype) -%}

            {%- if ns.series != ns.prior_lvl -%}
              {%- set ns.al_ctr = 1 -%}
              {%- set ns.nl_ctr = 1 -%}
              {%- set ns.prior_lvl = ns.series -%}
            {%- endif %}

            {%- for game in evt.competitions -%}
              {%- set ns.ser_gm = game.notes[0].headline.split("Game ")[1] -%}
              {%- set game_teams = '' %}

              {%- for team in game['competitors'] -%}
                  {%- set team_name = -%}
                  {%- if team.homeAway == 'home' -%}
                    {%- if in al_teams -%}
                      {%- set ns.leag = 'AL' -%}
                      {%- set ns.home = team_name -%}
                    {%- elif in nl_teams -%}
                      {%- set ns.leag = 'NL' -%}
                      {%- set ns.home = team_name -%}
                    {%- else -%}
                      {%- set ns.home = 'TBD' -%}
                    {%- endif -%}
                  {%- else -%}
                    {%- if in al_teams -%}
                      {%- set ns.leag = 'AL' -%}
                      {%- set ns.away = team_name -%}
                    {%- elif in nl_teams -%}
                      {%- set ns.leag = 'NL' -%}
                      {%- set ns.away = team_name -%}
                    {%- else -%}
                      {%- set ns.away = 'TBD' -%}
                    {%- endif -%}
                  {%- endif -%}
              {% endfor -%}

              {%- if (mlb_teams.index(ns.away) | int) < (mlb_teams.index(ns.home)  | int) -%}
                {%- set game_teams = ns.away + '-' + ns.home -%}
              {%- else -%}
                {%- set game_teams = ns.home + '-' + ns.away -%}
              {%- endif -%}

              {% if ns.results | selectattr('game_teams','eq',game_teams) | list | count == 0 -%}
                {%- if ns.leag == 'AL' -%}
                  {%- set gnum = ns.al_ctr-%}
                  {%- set ns.al_ctr = ns.al_ctr + 1  -%}
                {% elif ns.leag == 'NL'  %}
                  {%- set gnum = ns.nl_ctr -%}
                  {%- set ns.nl_ctr = ns.nl_ctr + 1 -%}
                {%- endif -%}

                {% set ns.results = ns.results + [{'seriesNumber': ns.series, 'league': ns.leag,
                'game_teams': game_teams, 'gameNumber': gnum }] -%}
              {%- endif -%}
            {%- endfor -%}
          {% endfor -%}
          {% set sort_po_teams_games = ns.results | sort(attribute="seriesNumber, league, gameNumber") -%}
          {{ sort_po_teams_games }}

Part 3.1 of 4 (again - dashboard will not fit in post AND I need to finish the template sensors)

MLB - Template Sensors - Part 2

### Playoffs - Games
- sensor:
    - name: MLB PO Games
      unique_id: sensor.mlb_po_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:football
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(results=[], game_day='', game_dte = '', gm_dte='', gtype= '', series='',
            seriesStatus='', leag='', gamesInSeries='', gameNumber='', seriesGameNumber='', winner='', loser='',
            home='', away='', home_wins='', home_loss='', away_wins='', away_loss='', home_score='', away_score='',
            odds='', weather='',win_num=0, gm_teams='',teams_chg=0,wc_al=1,wc_nl=1, home_advantage='') -%}
          {%- set po_schedule = state_attr("sensor.mlb_standings_postseason_2023", 'events') -%}
          {%- set po_sched_teams = po_schedule | selectattr('season.slug','eq','post-season') |
              sort(attribute='date') | list -%}
          {%- set tday = as_local(now()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') -%}

          {%- set seeds = 'sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds' -%}
          {%- set po_teams = 'sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds' -%}

          {%- set al_teams =  expand('group.mlb_al_teams') | map(attribute='attributes.friendly_name') |
            list -%}
          {%- set nl_teams =  expand('group.mlb_nl_teams') | map(attribute='attributes.friendly_name') |
            list -%}
          {%- set mlb_teams =  expand('group.mlb_teams') | map(attribute='attributes.friendly_name') | list -%}
          {%- set team_games = state_attr('sensor.mlb_po_team_games', 'entries') -%}
          {%- set tmp_teams = ['TBD','AL','NL'] -%}

          {%- set gamelvl = {
            'FINAL': 'World Series',
            'SEMI': 'Championship',
            'QTR': 'Divisional Playoffs',
            'RD16': 'Wild Card' } -%}

          {%- set gamelvlnum = {
            'FINAL': 4,
            'SEMI': 3,
            'QTR': 2,
            'RD16': 1 } -%}

          {%- for evt in po_sched_teams -%}
            {%- set gtype = evt.competitions[0].type.abbreviation -%}
            {%- set ns.gtype = gamelvl.get(gtype) -%}

            {%- set ns.series = gamelvlnum.get(gtype) -%}
            {%- set game_dte = '{}'.format(evt.competitions[0].date) | as_datetime | as_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%b %d at %I:%M %p') -%}
            {%- set game_day = as_local(as_datetime(evt.competitions[0].date)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') -%}

            {%- if ns.gtype != ns.prior_lvl -%}
              {%- set ns.al_ctr = 1 -%}
              {%- set ns.nl_ctr = 1 -%}
              {%- set ns.prior_lvl = gtype -%}
            {%- endif %}

            {%- if evt.competitions[0].broadcasts | length != 0 -%}
              {%- set = evt.competitions[0].broadcasts[0].names[0] -%}
            {%- else -%}
              {%- set = 'N/A' -%}
            {%- endif -%}

            {%- for game in evt.competitions -%}
              {%- if game.odds is defined -%}
                {%- set ns.odds = game.odds[0] +": "+ game.odds[0].details +" OverUnder: "+
                  (game.odds[0].overUnder  | string) + " Spread: "+ (game.odds[0].spread | string) -%}
              {%- else -%}
                {%- set ns.odds = 'N/A' -%}
              {%- endif -%}

              {%- set ns.winner = '' -%}
              {%- set ns.ser_gm = game.notes[0].headline.split("Game ")[1] -%}

              {%- for team in game['competitors'] -%}
                  {%- set team_name = -%}
                  {%- if team.homeAway == 'home' -%}
                    {%- if team_name in tmp_teams -%}
                      {%- set ns.home = 'TBD' -%}
                    {%- else -%}
                      {%- set ns.home = team_name -%}
                      {%- set ns.hid = -%}
                      {%- set ns.habbrev = -%}
                      {%- if team.winner is defined and team.winner == True -%}
                        {%- set ns.winner = ns.home -%}
                      {%- endif -%}

                      {%- if team.score is defined -%}
                        {%- set ns.hscore = team.score | int -%}
                      {%- else -%}
                        {%- set ns.hscore = 0 -%}
                      {%- endif -%}
                    {%- endif -%}
                  {%- else -%}
                    {%- if team_name in tmp_teams -%}
                      {%- set ns.away = 'TBD' -%}
                    {%- else -%}
                      {%- set ns.away = team_name -%}
                      {%- set ns.aid = -%}
                      {%- set ns.aabbrev = -%}

                      {%- if team.winner is defined and team.winner == True -%}
                        {%- set ns.winner = ns.away -%}
                      {%- endif -%}
                      {%- if team.score is defined -%}
                        {%- set ns.ascore = team.score | int -%}
                      {%- else -%}
                        {%- set ns.ascore = 0 -%}
                      {%- endif -%}
                    {%- endif -%}
                  {%- endif -%}
              {%- endfor -%}

              {%- set games_stat = game.series.summary.split(" ") -%}
              {%- set stats_len = games_stat | count -%}

              {% if games_stat[0] == 'Series' %}
                {%- set hwins = games_stat[stats_len-1].split("-")[0] | int -%}
                {%- set awins = games_stat[stats_len-1].split("-")[1] | int -%}
              {% else -%}
                {% if games_stat[0] == ns.habbrev %}
                  {%- set hwins = games_stat[stats_len-1].split("-")[0] | int -%}
                  {%- set awins = games_stat[stats_len-1].split("-")[1] | int -%}
                {% elif games_stat[0] == ns.aabbrev %}
                  {%- set awins = games_stat[stats_len-1].split("-")[0] | int -%}
                  {%- set hwins = games_stat[stats_len-1].split("-")[1] | int -%}
                {% endif -%}
              {% endif -%}

              {%- if ns.winner != '' and ns.winner == ns.home -%}
                {%- set ns.loser = ns.away -%}
                {%- set ns.stat = 'Final' -%}
              {%- elif ns.winner != '' and ns.winner == ns.away -%}
                {%- set ns.loser = ns.home -%}
                {%- set ns.stat = 'Final' -%}
              {%- else -%}
                {%- set ns.stat = 'Ongoing' -%}
              {%- endif -%}

              {%- if ns.home in al_teams -%}
                {%- set ns.leag = 'AL' -%}
              {% elif ns.home in nl_teams %}
                {%- set ns.leag = 'NL' -%}
              {%- endif -%}

              {%- if (mlb_teams.index(ns.away) | int) < (mlb_teams.index(ns.home) | int) -%}
                {%- set game_teams = ns.away + '-' + ns.home -%}
                {%- set ns.gctr = (team_games | selectattr('game_teams','eq', game_teams) |
                  map(attribute='gameNumber') | list)[0] | int -%}
              {%- else -%}
                {%- set game_teams = ns.home + '-' + ns.away -%}
                {%- set ns.gctr = (team_games | selectattr('game_teams','eq', game_teams) |
                  map(attribute='gameNumber') | list)[0] | int -%}
              {%- endif -%}

              {% set ns.results = ns.results + [{'date': game_day,'dte': game_dte,'Game': ns.gtype,
                'seriesStatus': ns.stat,'league': ns.leag, 'winner': ns.winner,'loser': ns.loser,
                'home': ns.home,'away': ns.away, 'home_wins': hwins, 'away_wins': awins,
                'home_score': ns.hscore, 'away_score': ns.ascore, 'seriesNumber': ns.series,
                'gameNumber': ns.gctr, 'gamesInSeries': ns.ser_gm, 'seriesGameNumber':"1",'odds':ns.odds,'weather'}] -%}
            {%- endfor -%}
          {% endfor -%}
          {%- set sort_po_teams_games = ns.results | sort(attribute="seriesNumber, gameNumber, seriesGameNumber") -%}
          {{ sort_po_teams_games }}

- sensor:
    - name: MLB PO Amer Games
      unique_id: sensor.mlb_po_amer_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:football
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_schedule = state_attr("sensor.mlb_po_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set po_sched_teams = po_schedule | selectattr('league','eq','AL') | list -%}
          {{ po_sched_teams }}

- sensor:
    - name: MLB PO Natl Games
      unique_id: sensor.mlb_po_natl_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:football
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_schedule = state_attr("sensor.mlb_po_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set po_sched_teams = po_schedule | selectattr('league','eq','NL') | list -%}
          {{ po_sched_teams }}

### Playoffs - Wildcard Games

- sensor:
    - name: MLB PO Amer WC Games
      unique_id: sensor.mlb_po_amer_wc_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:baseball
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_schedule = state_attr("sensor.mlb_po_amer_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set po_sched_teams = po_schedule | selectattr('Game','eq','Wild Card')
            | sort(attribute="seriesNumber, gameNumber, seriesGameNumber") | list -%}
          {{ po_sched_teams }}

- sensor:
    - name: MLB PO Natl WC Games
      unique_id: sensor.mlb_po_natl_wc_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:baseball
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_schedule = state_attr("sensor.mlb_po_natl_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set po_sched_teams = po_schedule | selectattr('Game','eq','Wild Card')
            | sort(attribute="seriesNumber, gameNumber, seriesGameNumber") | list -%}
          {{ po_sched_teams }}

### Playoffs - Division Games

- sensor:
    - name: MLB PO Amer Div Games
      unique_id: sensor.mlb_po_amer_div_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:baseball
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_sched_teams = state_attr("sensor.mlb_po_amer_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set results = po_sched_teams | selectattr('Game','eq', 'Divisional Playoffs')
            | sort(attribute="seriesNumber, gameNumber, seriesGameNumber") | list -%}
          {{ results }}

- sensor:
    - name: MLB PO Natl Div Games
      unique_id: sensor.mlb_po_natl_div_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:baseball
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_sched_teams = state_attr("sensor.mlb_po_natl_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set results = po_sched_teams | selectattr('Game','eq', 'Divisional Playoffs')
            | sort(attribute="seriesNumber, gameNumber, seriesGameNumber") | list -%}
          {{ results }}

### Playoffs - League Games

- sensor:
    - name: MLB PO Amer Leag Games
      unique_id: sensor.mlb_po_amer_leag_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:baseball
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_sched_teams = state_attr("sensor.mlb_po_amer_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set results = po_sched_teams | selectattr('Game','eq', 'Championship')
            | sort(attribute="seriesNumber, gameNumber, seriesGameNumber") | list -%}
          {{ results }}

- sensor:
    - name: MLB PO Natl Leag Games
      unique_id: sensor.mlb_po_natl_leag_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:baseball
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_sched_teams = state_attr("sensor.mlb_po_natl_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set results = po_sched_teams | selectattr('Game','eq', 'Championship')
            | sort(attribute="seriesNumber, gameNumber, seriesGameNumber") | list -%}
          {{ results }}

### MLB Playoffs - World Game

- sensor:
    - name: MLB PO World Game
      unique_id: sensor.mlb_po_world_game
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:baseball
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_sched_teams = state_attr("sensor.mlb_po_games" , 'entries') -%}
          {%- set results = po_sched_teams | selectattr('Game','eq', 'World Series')
            | sort(attribute="seriesNumber, gameNumber, seriesGameNumber") | list -%}
          {{ results }}

MLB - Dashboard Code

type: custom:layout-card
layout_type: grid
  grid-template-columns: 25% 25% 25% 25%
  grid-template-rows: auto
  grid-template-areas: |
    "col1 col2 col3 col4"
    '(max-width: 450px)':
      grid-template-columns: 100%
      grid-template-areas: |
    '(max-width: 1200px)':
      grid-template-columns: 50% 50%
      grid-template-areas: |
        "col1 col2"
        "col3 col4"
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_level_title
          - sport: MLB
          - po_level: Wild Card
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_league_title
          - sport: MLB
          - po_league: American
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: MLB
          - po_game: 1
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: MLB
              - series_num: 1
              - game_num: 1
              - attribute: po_amer_wc_seeds
              - playoff_teams: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_amer_wc_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: MLB
          - series_num: 1
          - game_num: 1
          - attribute: po_amer_wc_seeds
          - playoff_teams: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_amer_wc_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_tv_coverage
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: MLB
          - po_game: 2
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: MLB
              - series_num: 1
              - game_num: 2
              - attribute: po_amer_wc_seeds
              - playoff_teams: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_amer_wc_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: MLB
          - series_num: 1
          - game_num: 2
          - attribute: po_amer_wc_seeds
          - playoff_teams: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_amer_wc_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_tv_coverage
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_league_title
          - sport: MLB
          - po_league: National
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: MLB
          - po_game: 1
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: MLB
              - series_num: 1
              - game_num: 1
              - attribute: po_natl_wc_seeds
              - playoff_teams: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_natl_wc_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: MLB
          - series_num: 1
          - game_num: 1
          - attribute: po_natl_wc_seeds
          - playoff_teams: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_natl_wc_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_tv_coverage
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: MLB
          - po_game: 2
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: MLB
              - series_num: 1
              - game_num: 2
              - attribute: po_natl_wc_seeds
              - playoff_teams: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_natl_wc_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: MLB
          - series_num: 1
          - game_num: 2
          - attribute: po_natl_wc_seeds
          - playoff_teams: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_natl_wc_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_tv_coverage
      grid-area: col1
      show: always
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_level_title
          - sport: MLB
          - po_level: Division
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_league_title
          - sport: MLB
          - po_league: American
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: MLB
          - po_game: 1
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: MLB
              - series_num: 2
              - game_num: 1
              - attribute: entries
              - playoff_teams: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_amer_div_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: MLB
          - series_num: 2
          - game_num: 1
          - playoff_teams: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_amer_div_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_tv_coverage
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: MLB
          - po_game: 2
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: MLB
              - series_num: 2
              - game_num: 2
              - attribute: entries
              - playoff_teams: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_amer_div_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: MLB
          - series_num: 2
          - game_num: 2
          - playoff_teams: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_amer_div_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_tv_coverage
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_league_title
          - sport: MLB
          - po_league: National
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: MLB
          - po_game: 1
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: MLB
              - series_num: 2
              - game_num: 1
              - attribute: entries
              - playoff_teams: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_natl_div_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: MLB
          - series_num: 2
          - game_num: 1
          - playoff_teams: sensor.po_natl_wc_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_natl_div_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_tv_coverage
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: MLB
          - po_game: 2
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: MLB
              - series_num: 2
              - game_num: 2
              - attribute: entries
              - playoff_teams: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_natl_div_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: MLB
          - series_num: 2
          - game_num: 2
          - playoff_teams: sensor.po_natl_wc_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_natl_div_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_tv_coverage
      grid-area: col2
      show: always
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_level_title
          - sport: MLB
          - po_level: League
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_league_title
          - sport: MLB
          - po_league: American
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: MLB
              - series_num: 3
              - game_num: 1
              - attribute: entries
              - playoff_teams: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_amer_leag_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: MLB
          - series_num: 3
          - game_num: 1
          - playoff_teams: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_amer_leag_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_tv_coverage
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_league_title
          - sport: MLB
          - po_league: National
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: MLB
              - series_num: 3
              - game_num: 1
              - attribute: entries
              - playoff_teams: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_natl_leag_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: MLB
          - series_num: 3
          - game_num: 1
          - playoff_teams: sensor.po_natl_wc_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_natl_leag_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_tv_coverage
      grid-area: col3
      show: always
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_level_title
          - sport: MLB
          - po_level: World Series
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: MLB
              - series_num: 4
              - game_num: 1
              - attribute: entries
              - playoff_teams: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_world_game
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: MLB
          - series_num: 4
          - game_num: 1
          - playoff_teams: sensor.mlb_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_world_game
          - tv_schedule: sensor.mlb_po_tv_coverage
      grid-area: col4
      show: always

Part 3.2 of 4


NHL - Groups

# ##################################  Teams  ###################################
## The Teams MUST be sorted here alphabetically BACKWARDS due to ESPN data

  name: nhl_teams
    - sensor.anaheim_ducks
    - sensor.arizona_coyotes
    - sensor.boston_bruins
    - sensor.buffalo_sabres
    - sensor.calgary_flames
    - sensor.carolina_hurricanes
    - sensor.chicago_blackhawks
    - sensor.colorado_avalanche
    - sensor.columbus_blue_jackets
    - sensor.dallas_stars
    - sensor.detroit_red_wings
    - sensor.edmonton_oilers
    - sensor.florida_panthers
    - sensor.los_angeles_kings
    - sensor.minnesota_wild
    - sensor.montreal_canadians
    - sensor.nashville_predators
    - sensor.new_jersey_devils
    - sensor.new_york_islanders
    - sensor.new_york_rangers
    - sensor.ottawa_senators
    - sensor.philadelphia_flyers
    - sensor.pittsburg_penguins
    - sensor.san_jose_sharks
    - sensor.seattle_kraken
    - sensor.st_louis_blues
    - sensor.tampa_bay_lightning
    - sensor.toronto_maple_leafs
    - sensor.vancouver_canucks
    - sensor.vegas_golden_knights
    - sensor.washington_capitals
    - sensor.winnipeg_jets

  name: nhl_al_teams
    - sensor.boston_bruins
    - sensor.buffalo_sabres
    - sensor.carolina_hurricanes
    - sensor.columbus_blue_jackets
    - sensor.detroit_red_wings
    - sensor.florida_panthers
    - sensor.montreal_canadians
    - sensor.new_jersey_devils
    - sensor.new_york_islanders
    - sensor.new_york_rangers
    - sensor.ottawa_senators
    - sensor.philadelphia_flyers
    - sensor.pittsburg_penguins
    - sensor.tampa_bay_lightning
    - sensor.toronto_maple_leafs
    - sensor.washington_capitals

  name: nhl_nl_teams
    - sensor.anaheim_ducks
    - sensor.arizona_coyotes
    - sensor.calgary_flames
    - sensor.chicago_blackhawks
    - sensor.colorado_avalanche
    - sensor.dallas_stars
    - sensor.edmonton_oilers
    - sensor.los_angeles_kings
    - sensor.minnesota_wild
    - sensor.nashville_predators
    - sensor.san_jose_sharks
    - sensor.seattle_kraken
    - sensor.st_louis_blues
    - sensor.vancouver_canucks
    - sensor.vegas_golden_knights
    - sensor.winnipeg_jets

NHL - REST sensors

## Wildcards
- resource:
  # every 10 hours
  scan_interval: 36000
    - name: "NHL Wildcard"
      unique_id: nhl_wildcard
      icon: mdi:hockey-puck
        - children
        - overall
      value_template: "{{ now() }}"

## Playoff Standings
- resource:,points:desc,gamesplayed:asc,rotwins:desc&seasontype=2
  # every 10 hours
  scan_interval: 36000
    - name: "NHL PO Standings"
      unique_id: nhl_po_standings
      icon: mdi:hockey
        - children
        - overall
      value_template: "{{ now() }}"
## Playoff Standings- Postseason
- resource_template: "{{ now().year }}"
  # every 10 hours
  scan_interval: 36000
    - name: "NHL Standings Postseason"
      unique_id: nhl_standings_postseason
        - leagues
        - events
      value_template: "{{ now() }}"

## Schedule
- resource:
  # every 24 hours
  scan_interval: 86400
    - name: "NHL Schedule"
      unique_id: nhl_schedule
        - events
      value_template: "{{ now() }}"

NHL - Template Sensors

### TV Coverage
- sensor:
    - name: NHL PO TV Coverage
      unique_id: nhl_po_tv_coverage
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:hockey
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(results=[], tv_channels=[], game_ctr=0, ctr=0, home='', away='') -%}
          {%- set po_tv = state_attr("sensor.nhl_schedule", 'events') | list %}
          {% for po_tv_sched in po_tv %}
            {% for game in po_tv_sched['competitions'] %}
              {% set gm_dte = as_local(as_datetime(game.startDate)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') %}
              {% set game_dte =  as_local(as_datetime(game.startDate)).strftime('%b %d') %}
              {% set game_time =  as_local(as_datetime(game.startDate)).strftime('%I:%M %p') %}
              {% for channel in game['broadcasts'] %}
                {%- set ns.tv_channels = ns.tv_channels + [channel.names[0]] -%}
              {% endfor -%}

              {%- set ns.ctr = 0 %}
              {% for team in game['competitors'] %}
                {%- if team.homeAway == 'home' %}
                  {%- set ns.home = %}
                {% else -%}
                  {%- set ns.away = %}
                {% endif -%}

                {%- if ns.ctr == 1 %}
                  {% set ns.results = ns.results + [{'date': game_dte, 'time': game_time, 'home': ns.home,
                  'away': ns.away, 'tv': ns.tv_channels, 'gm_dte': gm_dte}] %}
                {% endif -%}
                {%- set ns.ctr = ns.ctr + 1 %}
              {% endfor -%}
            {%- endfor -%}
          {%- endfor -%}
          {{ ns.results }}

### National Hockey League
### Obtain Playoff Seeds, Playoff Games by League, and Teams by "Bracket" (WildCard, Division, League, "World")

### Wildcards - Used in Playoffs Tab to Forecast until the Playoff season starts
- sensor:
    - name: NHL Wildcard Standings
      unique_id: sensor.nhl_wildcard_standings
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        east_atlantic_top: "{{ state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard','overall')[0]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'] }}"
        east_metropolitan_top: "{{ state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard','overall')[0]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'] }}"
        east_wildcard: >
          {% set east_al_top =  state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard','overall')[0]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set east_metro_top = state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard','overall')[0]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set east_al_name = east_al_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set east_metro_name = east_metro_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set amer_all = state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard','children')[0]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set amer_wc = amer_all |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', east_al_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', east_metro_name) | list  %}
          {{ amer_wc[:2] }}
        east_hunt: >
          {% set east_al_top =  state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard','overall')[0]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set east_metro_top = state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard','overall')[0]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set east_al_name = east_al_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set east_metro_name = east_metro_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set amer_all = state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard','children')[0]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set amer_wc = amer_all |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', east_al_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', east_metro_name) | list  %}
          {% set wc = amer_wc[:2] %}
          {% set wc_east_al_name = wc[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set wc_east_metro_name = wc[1].team.displayName %}
          {% set amer_hunt = amer_all |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', east_al_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', east_metro_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', wc_east_al_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', wc_east_metro_name) | list  %}
          {{ amer_hunt[:2] }}
        east_eliminated: >
          {%- set wc_teams = state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard','children')[0]['standings']['entries'] | sort(attribute="stats.playoffSeed") -%}
          {{ wc_teams[4:] }}
        west_central_top: "{{ state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard','overall')[1]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'] }}"
        west_pacific_top: "{{ state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard','overall')[1]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'] }}"
        west_wildcard: >
          {% set west_central_top =  state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard','overall')[1]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set west_pacific_top = state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard','overall')[1]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set west_central_name = west_central_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set west_pacific_name = west_pacific_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set amer_all = state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard','children')[1]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set amer_wc = amer_all |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', west_central_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', west_pacific_name) | list  %}
          {{ amer_wc[:2] }}
        west_hunt: >
          {% set west_central_top =  state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard','overall')[1]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set west_pacific_top = state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard','overall')[1]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set west_central_name = west_central_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set west_pacific_name = west_pacific_top[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set amer_all = state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard','children')[1]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set amer_wc = amer_all |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', west_central_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', west_pacific_name) | list  %}
          {% set wc = amer_wc[:2] %}
          {% set wc_west_central_name = wc[0].team.displayName %}
          {% set wc_west_pacific_name = wc[1].team.displayName %}
          {% set amer_hunt = amer_all |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', west_central_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', west_pacific_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', wc_west_central_name) |
            rejectattr('team.displayName', 'eq', wc_west_pacific_name) | list  %}
          {{ amer_hunt[:2] }}
        west_eliminated: >
          {%- set wc_teams = state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard','children')[1]['standings']['entries'] | sort(attribute="stats.playoffSeed") -%}
          {{ wc_teams[4:] }}
        entries: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(ateams=[],nteams=[],al_team=[],nl_team=[],results=[]) -%}
          {%- set elim_def = 'Eliminated from Playoff Contention' -%}
          {%- set al_dict = {'league':'AL'} -%}
          {%- set nl_dict = {'league':'NL'} -%}

          {%- set ns.ateams = ns.ateams + state_attr('sensor.nhl_standings','children')[0]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'] -%}
          {%- set ns.ateams = ns.ateams + state_attr('sensor.nhl_standings','children')[0]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'] -%}
          {% set ns.nteams = ns.nteams + state_attr('sensor.nhl_standings','children')[1]['children'][0]['standings']['entries'] %}
          {% set ns.nteams = ns.nteams + state_attr('sensor.nhl_standings','children')[1]['children'][1]['standings']['entries'] %}

          {%- for team in ns.ateams -%}
            {%- set po_stat = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','clincher') | map(attribute='description') | list -%}
            {%- if po_stat[0] != elim_def -%}
              {%- set rec_dict = dict(team.items(), **al_dict) -%}
              {%- set ns.al_team = ns.al_team + [rec_dict] -%}
            {%- endif -%}
          {%- endfor -%}

          {%- for team in ns.nteams -%}
            {%- set po_stat = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','clincher') | map(attribute='description') | list -%}
            {%- if po_stat[0] != elim_def -%}
              {%- set rec_dict = dict(team.items(), **nl_dict) -%}
              {%- set ns.nl_team = ns.nl_team + [rec_dict] -%}
            {%- endif %}
          {%- endfor %}
          {%- set tmp_teams = ns.al_team + ns.nl_team -%}
          {{ tmp_teams }}

# ###
# ### Playoffs Seeds
# ###
- sensor:
    - name: NHL Playoff Seeds
      unique_id: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(results=[], tmp_recs=[]) -%}
          {%- for team in state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard_standings', 'entries') -%}
            {%- set position = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','clincher') | map(attribute='description') | list -%}
            {%- set home_rec = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','Home') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list -%}
            {%- set away_rec = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','Road') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list -%}
            {%- set seed_val = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','playoffSeed') | map(attribute='value') | list -%}
            {%- set seed = seed_val[0] | int  -%}
            {%- set logo =[0].href -%}
            {%- set winPercent = (team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','points') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list)[0] -%}
            {%- set wins = (team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','wins') | map(attribute='value') | list)[0] -%}
            {%- set losses = (team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','losses') | map(attribute='value') | list)[0] -%}

            {%- if position | count == 0 %}
              {%- set position = [''] -%}
            {%- endif -%}

            {%- set ns.results = ns.results + [{ 'team': {'name':, 'league':team.league, 'seed': seed,
              'po_status': position[0],'home_rec': home_rec[0], 'away_rec': away_rec[0], 'wins': wins, 'losses': losses,
              'winPercent':winPercent,'logo': logo}}] -%}
          {%- endfor -%}
          {%- set ns.tmp_recs = ns.results | sort(attribute='team.league,team.seed') -%}
          {{ ns.tmp_recs }}
        po_amer_wc_seeds: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(results=[], amer_result=[], ctr=0) -%}
          {%- for team in state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard_standings', 'entries') | selectattr('league','eq','AL') | list -%}
            {%- set position = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','clincher') | map(attribute='description') | list -%}
            {%- set home_rec = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','Home') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list -%}
            {%- set away_rec = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','Road') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list -%}
            {%- set seed_val = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','playoffSeed') | map(attribute='value') | list -%}
            {%- set seed = seed_val[0] | int  -%}
            {%- set logo =[0].href -%}
            {%- set winPercent = (team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','winPercent') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list)[0] -%}
            {%- set wins = (team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','wins') | map(attribute='value') | list)[0] -%}
            {%- set losses = (team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','losses') | map(attribute='value') | list)[0] -%}

            {%- if position | count == 0 %}
              {%- set position = [''] -%}
            {%- endif -%}

            {%- set ns.results = ns.results + [{ 'team': {'name':, 'league': team.league,
              'seed': seed, 'po_status': position[0], 'home_rec': home_rec[0], 'away_rec': away_rec[0],
              'logo': logo}}] -%}
          {%- endfor -%}
          {% set ns.amer_result = ns.results | sort(attribute='team.seed') %}
          {{ ns.amer_result }}
        po_natl_wc_seeds: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(results=[], natl_result=[], ctr=0) -%}
          {%- for team in state_attr('sensor.nhl_wildcard_standings', 'entries') | selectattr('league','eq','NL') | list -%}
            {%- set position = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','clincher') | map(attribute='description') | list -%}
            {%- set home_rec = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','Home') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list -%}
            {%- set away_rec = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','Road') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list -%}
            {%- set seed_val = team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','playoffSeed') | map(attribute='value') | list -%}
            {%- set seed = seed_val[0] | int  -%}
            {%- set logo =[0].href -%}
            {%- set winPercent = (team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','winPercent') | map(attribute='displayValue') | list)[0] -%}
            {%- set wins = (team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','wins') | map(attribute='value') | list)[0] -%}
            {%- set losses = (team.stats | selectattr('name','eq','losses') | map(attribute='value') | list)[0] -%}

            {%- if position | count == 0 %}
              {%- set position = [''] -%}
            {%- endif -%}

            {%- set ns.results = ns.results + [{ 'team': {'name':, 'league': team.league,
              'seed': seed, 'po_status': position[0], 'home_rec': home_rec[0], 'away_rec': away_rec[0],
              'logo': logo}}] -%}
          {%- endfor -%}
          {% set ns.natl_result = ns.results | sort(attribute='team.seed') %}
          {{ ns.natl_result }}

### Playoffs - Games
### Need to set games as there are multiple games in a series
### NHL data does not have a good key to get the data directly
- sensor:
    - name: NHL PO Team Games
      unique_id: sensor.nhl_po_team_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:hockey
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(results=[],leag='',series=1,ser_gm=1,al_ctr=1,nl_ctr=1,home='',away='',prior_lvl=0) -%}
          {%- set po_schedule = state_attr("sensor.nhl_standings_postseason_2023", 'events') -%}
          {%- set po_sched_teams = po_schedule | selectattr('season.slug','eq','post-season') | sort(attribute='date') | list -%}
          {%- set tday = as_local(now()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') -%}
          {%- set al_teams =  expand('group.nhl_al_teams') | map(attribute='attributes.friendly_name') | list -%}
          {%- set nl_teams =  expand('group.nhl_nl_teams') | map(attribute='attributes.friendly_name') | list -%}
          {%- set nhl_teams =  expand('group.nhl_teams') | map(attribute='attributes.friendly_name') | list -%}

          {%- set gamelvlnum = {
            'FINAL': 4,
            'SEMI': 3,
            'QTR': 2,
            'RD16': 1 } -%}

          {%- for evt in po_sched_teams -%}
            {%- set gtype = evt.competitions[0].type.abbreviation -%}
            {%- set ns.series = gamelvlnum.get(gtype) -%}

            {%- if ns.series != ns.prior_lvl -%}
              {%- set ns.al_ctr = 1 -%}
              {%- set ns.nl_ctr = 1 -%}
              {%- set ns.prior_lvl = ns.series -%}
            {%- endif %}

            {%- for game in evt.competitions -%}
              {%- set ns.ser_gm = game.notes[0].headline.split("Game ")[1] -%}
              {%- set game_teams = '' %}

              {%- for team in game['competitors'] -%}
                  {%- set team_name = -%}
                  {%- if team.homeAway == 'home' -%}
                    {%- if in al_teams -%}
                      {%- set ns.leag = 'AL' -%}
                      {%- set ns.home = team_name -%}
                    {%- elif in nl_teams -%}
                      {%- set ns.leag = 'NL' -%}
                      {%- set ns.home = team_name -%}
                    {%- else -%}
                      {%- set ns.home = 'TBD' -%}
                    {%- endif -%}
                  {%- else -%}
                    {%- if in al_teams -%}
                      {%- set ns.leag = 'AL' -%}
                      {%- set ns.away = team_name -%}
                    {%- elif in nl_teams -%}
                      {%- set ns.leag = 'NL' -%}
                      {%- set ns.away = team_name -%}
                    {%- else -%}
                      {%- set ns.away = 'TBD' -%}
                    {%- endif -%}
                  {%- endif -%}
              {% endfor -%}

              {%- if (nhl_teams.index(ns.away) | int) < (nhl_teams.index(ns.home)  | int) -%}
                {%- set game_teams = ns.away + '-' + ns.home -%}
              {%- else -%}
                {%- set game_teams = ns.home + '-' + ns.away -%}
              {%- endif -%}

              {% if ns.results | selectattr('game_teams','eq',game_teams) | list | count == 0 -%}
                {%- if ns.leag == 'AL' -%}
                  {%- set gnum = ns.al_ctr-%}
                  {%- set ns.al_ctr = ns.al_ctr + 1  -%}
                {% elif ns.leag == 'NL'  %}
                  {%- set gnum = ns.nl_ctr -%}
                  {%- set ns.nl_ctr = ns.nl_ctr + 1 -%}
                {%- endif -%}

                {% set ns.results = ns.results + [{'seriesNumber': ns.series, 'league': ns.leag,
                'game_teams': game_teams, 'gameNumber': gnum }] -%}
              {%- endif -%}
            {%- endfor -%}
          {% endfor -%}
          {% set sort_po_teams_games = ns.results | sort(attribute="seriesNumber, league, gameNumber") -%}
          {{ sort_po_teams_games }}

Part 4.1 of 4

sorry for the super late response! I have team tracker set up, I get the values from the sensors (PRE, IN, POST) but I can’t get them to appear on the dashboard. I can see all the teams in the standings tab, but as soon as I click postgame, live, or pregame nothing shows up. That’s the same for all the sports.

NHL - Template Sensors - Part 2

### Playoffs - Games
- sensor:
    - name: NHL PO Games
      unique_id: sensor.nhl_po_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:hockey
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set ns = namespace(results=[],gtype='',prior_lvl='',leag='',series=1,al_ctr=1,nl_ctr=1,
            winner='',loser='',tv='',weather='',odds='') -%}
          {%- set po_schedule = state_attr("sensor.nhl_standings_postseason_2023", 'events') -%}
          {%- set po_sched_teams = po_schedule | selectattr('season.slug','eq','post-season') | sort(attribute='date') | list -%}
          {%- set tday = as_local(now()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') -%}
          {%- set seeds = 'sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds' -%}
          {%- set al_teams =  expand('group.nhl_al_teams') | map(attribute='attributes.friendly_name') | list -%}
          {%- set nl_teams =  expand('group.nhl_nl_teams') | map(attribute='attributes.friendly_name') | list -%}
          {%- set nhl_teams =  expand('group.nhl_teams') | map(attribute='attributes.friendly_name') | list -%}
          {%- set team_games = state_attr('sensor.nhl_po_team_games', 'entries') -%}

          {%- set tmp_teams = ['TBD','AL','NL'] -%}
          {%- set gamelvl = {
            'FINAL': 'Stanley Cup',
            'SEMI': 'Championship',
            'QTR': 'Divisional Playoffs',
            'RD16': 'Wild Card' } -%}
          {%- set gamelvlnum = {
            'FINAL': 4,
            'SEMI': 3,
            'QTR': 2,
            'RD16': 1 } -%}

          {%- for evt in po_sched_teams -%}
            {%- set gtype = evt.competitions[0].type.abbreviation -%}
            {%- set ns.gtype = gamelvl.get(gtype) -%}

            {%- set ns.series = gamelvlnum.get(gtype) -%}
            {%- set game_dte = '{}'.format(evt.competitions[0].date) | as_datetime | as_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%b %d at %I:%M %p') -%}
            {%- set game_day = as_local(as_datetime(evt.competitions[0].date)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') -%}

            {%- if ns.gtype != ns.prior_lvl -%}
              {%- set ns.al_ctr = 1 -%}
              {%- set ns.nl_ctr = 1 -%}
              {%- set ns.prior_lvl = gtype -%}
            {%- endif %}

            {%- if evt.competitions[0].broadcasts | length != 0 -%}
              {%- set = evt.competitions[0].broadcasts[0].names[0] -%}
            {%- else -%}
              {%- set = 'N/A' -%}
            {%- endif -%}

            {%- for game in evt.competitions -%}
              {%- if game.odds is defined -%}
                {%- set ns.odds = game.odds[0] +": "+ game.odds[0].details +" OverUnder: "+
                  (game.odds[0].overUnder  | string) + " Spread: "+ (game.odds[0].spread | string) -%}
              {%- else -%}
                {%- set ns.odds = 'N/A' -%}
              {%- endif -%}

              {%- set ns.winner = '' -%}
              {%- set ns.ser_gm = game.notes[0].headline.split("Game ")[1] -%}

              {%- for team in game['competitors'] -%}
                  {%- set team_name = -%}
                  {%- if team.homeAway == 'home' -%}
                    {%- if team_name in tmp_teams -%}
                      {%- set ns.home = 'TBD' -%}
                    {%- else -%}
                      {%- set ns.home = team_name -%}
                      {%- set ns.hid = -%}
                      {%- set ns.habbrev = -%}
                      {%- if team.winner is defined and team.winner == True -%}
                        {%- set ns.winner = ns.home -%}
                      {%- endif -%}

                      {%- if team.score is defined -%}
                        {%- set ns.hscore = team.score | int -%}
                      {%- else -%}
                        {%- set ns.hscore = 0 -%}
                      {%- endif -%}
                    {%- endif -%}
                  {%- else -%}
                    {%- if team_name in tmp_teams -%}
                      {%- set ns.away = 'TBD' -%}
                    {%- else -%}
                      {%- set ns.away = team_name -%}
                      {%- set ns.aid = -%}
                      {%- set ns.aabbrev = -%}

                      {%- if team.winner is defined and team.winner == True -%}
                        {%- set ns.winner = ns.away -%}
                      {%- endif -%}
                      {%- if team.score is defined -%}
                        {%- set ns.ascore = team.score | int -%}
                      {%- else -%}
                        {%- set ns.ascore = 0 -%}
                      {%- endif -%}
                    {%- endif -%}
                  {%- endif -%}
              {%- endfor -%}

              {%- set games_stat = game.series.summary.split(" ") -%}
              {%- set stats_len = games_stat | count -%}

              {% if games_stat[0] == 'Series' %}
                {%- set hwins = games_stat[stats_len-1].split("-")[0] | int -%}
                {%- set awins = games_stat[stats_len-1].split("-")[1] | int -%}
              {% else -%}
                {% if games_stat[0] == ns.habbrev %}
                  {%- set hwins = games_stat[stats_len-1].split("-")[0] | int -%}
                  {%- set awins = games_stat[stats_len-1].split("-")[1] | int -%}
                {% elif games_stat[0] == ns.aabbrev %}
                  {%- set awins = games_stat[stats_len-1].split("-")[0] | int -%}
                  {%- set hwins = games_stat[stats_len-1].split("-")[1] | int -%}
                {% endif -%}
              {% endif -%}

              {%- if ns.winner != '' and ns.winner == ns.home -%}
                {%- set ns.loser = ns.away -%}
                {%- set ns.stat = 'Final' -%}
              {%- elif ns.winner != '' and ns.winner == ns.away -%}
                {%- set ns.loser = ns.home -%}
                {%- set ns.stat = 'Final' -%}
              {%- else -%}
                {%- set ns.stat = 'Ongoing' -%}
              {%- endif -%}

              {%- if ns.home in al_teams -%}
                {%- set ns.leag = 'AL' -%}
              {% elif ns.home in nl_teams %}
                {%- set ns.leag = 'NL' -%}
              {%- endif -%}

              {%- if (nhl_teams.index(ns.away) | int) < (nhl_teams.index(ns.home) | int) -%}
                {%- set game_teams = ns.away + '-' + ns.home -%}
                {%- set ns.gctr = (team_games | selectattr('game_teams','eq', game_teams) |
                  map(attribute='gameNumber') | list)[0] | int -%}
              {%- else -%}
                {%- set game_teams = ns.home + '-' + ns.away -%}
                {%- set ns.gctr = (team_games | selectattr('game_teams','eq', game_teams) |
                  map(attribute='gameNumber') | list)[0] | int -%}
              {%- endif -%}

              {% set ns.results = ns.results + [{'date': game_day,'dte': game_dte,'Game': ns.gtype,
                'seriesStatus': ns.stat,'league': ns.leag, 'winner': ns.winner,'loser': ns.loser,
                'home': ns.home,'away': ns.away, 'home_wins': hwins, 'away_wins': awins,
                'home_score': ns.hscore, 'away_score': ns.ascore, 'seriesNumber': ns.series,
                'gameNumber': ns.gctr, 'gamesInSeries': ns.ser_gm, 'seriesGameNumber':"1",'odds':ns.odds,'weather'}] -%}
            {%- endfor -%}
          {% endfor -%}
          {%- set sort_po_teams_games = ns.results | sort(attribute="seriesNumber, gameNumber, gamesInSeries") -%}
          {{ sort_po_teams_games }}

- sensor:
    - name: NHL PO Amer Games
      unique_id: sensor.nhl_po_amer_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:hockey
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_schedule = state_attr("sensor.nhl_po_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set po_sched_teams = po_schedule | selectattr('league','eq','AL') | list -%}
          {{ po_sched_teams }}

- sensor:
    - name: NHL PO Natl Games
      unique_id: sensor.nhl_po_natl_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:hockey
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_schedule = state_attr("sensor.nhl_po_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set po_sched_teams = po_schedule | selectattr('league','eq','NL') | list -%}
          {{ po_sched_teams }}

### Playoffs - Wildcard Games
- sensor:
    - name: NHL PO Amer WC Games
      unique_id: sensor.nhl_po_amer_wc_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:hockey
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_schedule = state_attr("sensor.nhl_po_amer_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set po_sched_teams = po_schedule | selectattr('Game','eq','Wild Card')
            | sort(attribute="seriesNumber, gameNumber, seriesGameNumber") | list -%}
          {{ po_sched_teams }}

- sensor:
    - name: NHL PO Natl WC Games
      unique_id: sensor.nhl_po_natl_wc_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:hockey
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_schedule = state_attr("sensor.nhl_po_natl_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set po_sched_teams = po_schedule | selectattr('Game','eq','Wild Card')
            | sort(attribute="seriesNumber, gameNumber, seriesGameNumber") | list -%}
          {{ po_sched_teams }}

### Playoffs - Division Games
- sensor:
    - name: NHL PO Amer Div Games
      unique_id: sensor.nhl_po_amer_div_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:hockey
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_sched_teams = state_attr("sensor.nhl_po_amer_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set results = po_sched_teams | selectattr('Game','eq', 'Divisional Playoffs')
            | sort(attribute="seriesNumber, gameNumber, seriesGameNumber") | list -%}
          {{ results }}

- sensor:
    - name: NHL PO Natl Div Games
      unique_id: sensor.nhl_po_natl_div_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:hockey
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_sched_teams = state_attr("sensor.nhl_po_natl_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set results = po_sched_teams | selectattr('Game','eq', 'Divisional Playoffs')
            | sort(attribute="seriesNumber, gameNumber, seriesGameNumber") | list -%}
          {{ results }}

### Playoffs - League Games
- sensor:
    - name: NHL PO Amer Leag Games
      unique_id: sensor.nhl_po_amer_leag_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:hockey
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_sched_teams = state_attr("sensor.nhl_po_amer_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set results = po_sched_teams | selectattr('Game','eq', 'Championship')
            | sort(attribute="seriesNumber, gameNumber, seriesGameNumber") | list -%}
          {{ results }}

- sensor:
    - name: NHL PO Natl Leag Games
      unique_id: sensor.nhl_po_natl_leag_games
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:hockey
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_sched_teams = state_attr("sensor.nhl_po_natl_games", 'entries') -%}
          {%- set results = po_sched_teams | selectattr('Game','eq', 'Championship')
            | sort(attribute="seriesNumber, gameNumber, seriesGameNumber") | list -%}
          {{ results }}

### Playoffs - World Game
- sensor:
    - name: NHL PO World Game
      unique_id: sensor.nhl_po_world_game
      device_class: timestamp
      icon: mdi:hockey
      state: "{{ now() }}"
        entries: >
          {%- set po_sched_teams = state_attr("sensor.nhl_po_games" , 'entries') -%}
          {%- set results = po_sched_teams | selectattr('Game','eq', 'Stanley Cup')
            | sort(attribute="seriesNumber, gameNumber, seriesGameNumber") | list -%}
          {{ results }}

NHL - Dashboard Code

type: custom:layout-card
layout_type: grid
  grid-template-columns: 25% 25% 25% 25%
  grid-template-rows: auto
  grid-template-areas: |
    "col1 col2 col3 col4"
    '(max-width: 450px)':
      grid-template-columns: 100%
      grid-template-areas: |
    '(max-width: 1200px)':
      grid-template-columns: 50% 50%
      grid-template-areas: |
        "col1 col2"
        "col3 col4"
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_level_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_level: Wild Card
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_league_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_league: American
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_game: 1
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: NHL
              - game_num: 1
              - series_num: 1
              - attribute: po_amer_wc_seeds
              - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_amer_wc_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: NHL
          - series_num: 1
          - game_num: 1
          - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_amer_wc_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_tv_coverage
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_game: 2
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: NHL
              - series_num: 1
              - game_num: 2
              - attribute: po_amer_wc_seeds
              - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_amer_wc_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: NHL
          - series_num: 1
          - game_num: 2
          - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_amer_wc_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_tv_coverage
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_game: 3
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: NHL
              - series_num: 1
              - game_num: 3
              - attribute: po_amer_wc_seeds
              - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_amer_wc_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: NHL
          - series_num: 1
          - game_num: 3
          - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_amer_wc_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_tv_coverage
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_game: 4
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: NHL
              - series_num: 1
              - game_num: 4
              - attribute: po_amer_wc_seeds
              - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_amer_wc_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: NHL
          - series_num: 1
          - game_num: 4
          - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_amer_wc_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_tv_coverage
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_league_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_league: National
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_game: 1
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: NHL
              - series_num: 1
              - game_num: 1
              - attribute: po_natl_wc_seeds
              - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_natl_wc_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: NHL
          - series_num: 1
          - game_num: 1
          - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_natl_wc_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_tv_coverage
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_game: 2
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: NHL
              - series_num: 1
              - game_num: 2
              - attribute: po_natl_wc_seeds
              - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_natl_wc_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: NHL
          - series_num: 1
          - game_num: 2
          - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_natl_wc_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_tv_coverage
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_game: 3
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: NHL
              - series_num: 1
              - game_num: 3
              - attribute: po_natl_wc_seeds
              - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_natl_wc_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: NHL
          - series_num: 1
          - game_num: 3
          - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_natl_wc_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_tv_coverage
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_game: 4
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: NHL
              - series_num: 1
              - game_num: 4
              - attribute: po_natl_wc_seeds
              - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_natl_wc_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: NHL
          - series_num: 1
          - game_num: 4
          - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_natl_wc_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_tv_coverage
      grid-area: col1
      show: always
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_level_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_level: Division
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_league_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_league: American
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_game: 1
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: NHL
              - series_num: 2
              - game_num: 1
              - attribute: entries
              - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_amer_div_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: NHL
          - series_num: 2
          - game_num: 1
          - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_amer_div_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_tv_coverage
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_game: 2
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: NHL
              - series_num: 2
              - game_num: 2
              - attribute: entries
              - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_amer_div_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: NHL
          - series_num: 2
          - game_num: 2
          - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_amer_div_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_tv_coverage
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_league_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_league: National
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_game: 1
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: NHL
              - series_num: 2
              - game_num: 1
              - attribute: entries
              - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_natl_div_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: NHL
          - series_num: 2
          - game_num: 1
          - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_natl_div_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_tv_coverage
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_game: 2
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: NHL
              - series_num: 2
              - game_num: 2
              - attribute: entries
              - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_natl_div_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: NHL
          - series_num: 2
          - game_num: 2
          - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_natl_div_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_tv_coverage
      grid-area: col2
      show: always
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_level_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_level: League
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_league_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_league: American
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: NHL
              - series_num: 3
              - game_num: 1
              - attribute: entries
              - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_amer_leag_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: NHL
          - series_num: 3
          - game_num: 1
          - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_amer_leag_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_tv_coverage
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_league_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_league: National
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: NHL
              - series_num: 3
              - game_num: 1
              - attribute: entries
              - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_natl_leag_games
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: NHL
          - series_num: 3
          - game_num: 1
          - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_natl_leag_games
          - tv_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_tv_coverage
      grid-area: col3
      show: always
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_level_title
          - sport: NHL
          - po_level: Stanley Cup
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: po_games
              - sport: NHL
              - series_num: 4
              - game_num: 1
              - attribute: entries
              - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
              - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_world_game
      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: po_game_info
          - sport: NHL
          - series_num: 4
          - game_num: 1
          - playoff_teams: sensor.nhl_playoff_seeds
          - playoff_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_world_game
          - tv_schedule: sensor.nhl_po_tv_coverage
      grid-area: col4
      show: always

Part 4.2 of 4

The END of the bracket code - Enjoy!

If anyone can simplify the REST/template sensors, please share.

Can you please show your code for the multi-line tooltip?

I did search your github repository and couldn’t find it.

I tried embedding the \n in the html name string and it either displayed the \n or it ignored everything after that. I also tried the html
without success.

Examples of failed attempts:

name: <div title="Vacuum Name" +  "\n" + "Chico">Vacuum</div>
name: <div title="Vacuum Name \n Chico">Vacuum</div>
name: <div title="Vacuum Name <br> Chico">Vacuum</div>

What’s the trick please?


Your post:

        - name: >-
            <div title="Clinch Indicator:&#10; * : Clinched Best League
            Record&#10; z : Clinched Playoff Birth&#10; x : Clinched
            Division&#10; - : In The Hunt&#10; e : Eliminated">C</div>

See here:
Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0 - The HTML Coded Character Set (


Thanks again @jeffcrum to the rescue. I had removed all that code because a previous release of flex-table (now fixed), broke because of this code. I never put it back in for myself because I know what they mean.

1 Like


It’s the yacs (yet another character set) that always gets me!


1 Like

Why doesn’t Harpo get capitalized? What do you have against Harpo? :rofl:

I grew up in the XML world, so that made it easier to understand.

hey @kbrown01, sorry I can’t figure this out. I can’t get anything to load under Postgame, Live, and Pregame. All of my sensors are working and if I check each one individually I can see their state is PRE or POST. I can also see all of the teams on the dashboard within standings. They’re all in the correct division as well. The only thing that doesn’t populate on the dashboard is Postgame, Live and Pregame.

I just replaced my dashboard yaml with the yaml from github and still get the same issue.

Are you able to point me in the right direction for troubleshooting?

DO you have the red zone sensor ? If you do not, that would cause the issue. You can either remove the test for the redzone or create the redzone sensor. It is only for NFL but since all scoring uses the same template, no other sport would trigger it. Post your game stats decluttering template, this is mine with redzone:

      type: custom:auto-entities
      unique: true
      show_empty: false
        type: custom:layout-card
        layout_type: masonry
        width: 300px
        max-columns: 5
      card_param: cards
        template: |
          {%- for team in integration_entities("teamtracker") -%}
            {%- if state_attr(team, "league") == "[[sport]]" -%}
            {%- if states(team) == "[[status]]" -%}
            {%- if state_attr(team, "team_homeaway") == "home" -%}
            {%- if team in state_attr('sensor.nfl_red_zone','teams') -%}
              {{{"type": "custom:teamtracker-card",
                "entity": team,
                "card_mod": {"style": "ha-card {\n\n    color:  black; \n    background-color:  #ffcccc; \n    box-shadow: 0 0 10px 5px red;\n}\n"},
                "home_side": "right"}}},
            {%- else -%}
              {{{"type": "custom:teamtracker-card",
                "entity": team, 
                "home_side": "right"}}},
            {%- endif -%}
            {%- endif -%}
            {%- endif -%}
            {%- endif -%}
          {%- endfor -%}
          - entity_id: '*team_tracker*'
        method: attribute
        attribute: date

See this posting thread above. If you do not want redzone, this shows how that is modified to remove it:

So it is likely your situation is the same, if you do not have this sensor sensor.nfl_red_zone then that whole template would fail. SInce that template drives PRE, IN and POST views, you would get nothing.

If you want Red Zone sensor for changing colors in the Teamtracker cards as wll as using them to trigger other things, then you need this:

  - name: NFL Red Zone
    unique_id: sensor.nfl_red_zone
    state: |
            {% set redzone = namespace(teams=[]) %}
            {%- for team in integration_entities("teamtracker") -%}
            {%- if states(team) == "IN" and state_attr(team, "league") == "NFL" and state_attr(team, "team_homeaway") == "home" and state_attr(team,'possession') is not none -%}
            {% set possession = state_attr(team,'possession') %}
            {% set team_id = state_attr(team,'team_id') %}
            {% set opponent_id = state_attr(team,'opponent_id') %}
            {% set team_abbr = state_attr(team,'team_abbr') %}
            {% set opponent_abbr = state_attr(team,'opponent_abbr') %}
            {% if state_attr(team,'down_distance_text') is not none %}
            {% set down_distance_text = state_attr(team,'down_distance_text') %}
            {% set down_distance_endzone = state_attr(team,'down_distance_text').split(' ')[4] %}
            {% set down_distance_yardline = state_attr(team,'down_distance_text').split(' ')[5] %}
            {% set possession_abbr = opponent_abbr if opponent_id == possession else team_abbr %}
            {% set non_possession_abbr = opponent_abbr if opponent_id != possession else team_abbr %}
            {%- if (possession_abbr != down_distance_endzone) and (down_distance_yardline | int) <= 20 %}
            {% set redzone.teams = redzone.teams + [team] %}
            {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
            {{ redzone.teams | count }}
        teams: |
            {% set redzone = namespace(teams=[]) %}
            {%- for team in integration_entities("teamtracker") -%}
            {%- if states(team) == "IN" and state_attr(team, "league") == "NFL" and state_attr(team,'possession') is not none -%}
            {% set possession = state_attr(team,'possession') %}
            {% set team_id = state_attr(team,'team_id') %}
            {% set opponent_id = state_attr(team,'opponent_id') %}
            {% set team_abbr = state_attr(team,'team_abbr') %}
            {% set opponent_abbr = state_attr(team,'opponent_abbr') %}
            {% if state_attr(team,'down_distance_text') is not none %}
            {% set down_distance_text = state_attr(team,'down_distance_text') %}
            {% set down_distance_endzone = state_attr(team,'down_distance_text').split(' ')[4] %}
            {% set down_distance_yardline = state_attr(team,'down_distance_text').split(' ')[5] %}
            {% set possession_abbr = opponent_abbr if opponent_id == possession else team_abbr %}
            {% set non_possession_abbr = opponent_abbr if opponent_id != possession else team_abbr %}
            {%- if (possession_abbr != down_distance_endzone) and (down_distance_yardline | int) <= 20 %}
            {% set redzone.teams = redzone.teams + [team] %}
            {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
            {{ redzone.teams }}

Can’t believe I missed that! Thank you so much, working perfectly now.

1 Like

Harpo doesn’t know he is being insulted by the lack of capitalization. He is old and has no wifi - so as long as no one tells him, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

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